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July 2019

It's not a copout to say, "it depends on what you mean by 3-D chess." If you mean something so advanced and esoteric it's the equivalent of Einstein's Special Theory (in the political sense), I'd have to say "no." But I don't think that's what it means. I find playing 3-D chess means having a good grasp of strategy and advanced gamesmanship while working on several levels at once.

Timing is everything in politics, and Elizabeth Warren received a huge break when a devastating Washington Post investigation of Warren's legal practice when she was a law professor was published on Monday, July 15, 2019. That was the day after Trump's tweets telling four congresswomen "go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came. Then come back and show us how...." The investigation confirmed and expanded on Legal Insurrection's reporting from 2012 that in her private legal practice Warren worked against breast implant victims, not for them as she claimed. It was part of a pattern of Warren representing major corporations against the people Warren claims to care about, before she launched her political career.

Over the past several weeks, the Legal Insurrection Foundation has investigated the coalition of anti-Israel groups that organized protests and disruptions at the annual Christians United for Israel (CUFI) summit July 7-9, 2019 Calling their campaign "Rise against Racism", Counter CUFI followed the traditional modus operandi of intersectional anti-Israel groups, seeking to build an anti-Israel coalition along racial and religious identity lines, portraying Israel as a white supremacist colonialist oppressive enterprise, and lauding themselves as the underdog heroes speaking truth to power.

Yesterday was the fiftieth anniversary of the first moon landing. As bittersweet as it is that it's been almost as long since the last of our six moon landings finished in 1972, there's never been a better time to be a space fanatic. Elon Musk's work at SpaceX is currently driving the space race as commercial space flight looms ever closer with the first commercial spaceflight set for 2021.

Amid rising tensions in the Persian Gulf, the Islamist terror group Hamas has sent a senior delegation to meet Iranian officials in Tehran. The Gaza-based terrorist group was "expecting important results" from the weekend meetings, Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh said.

Georgia State Rep. Erica Thomas (D) claims to have been "verbally assaulted" by a white man at a Publix and told to "go back where you came from." Apparently, Thomas was in the 10 Items or Less lane, and Eric Sparkes didn't like that and commented to her about it. Thomas went on Facebook and filmed a tearful tirade about how she was berated, called names, and told to go back where she came from. She also says that he told her to "go back to your country."

Clint Eastwood remains the most daring conservative in Hollywood. The now 89-year-old star of cinema classics like The Good, The Bad and the Ugly and Dirty Harry is still going strong as he's preparing to film his latest feature Richard Jewell. In an unsurprising buck against Hollywood's current hissy fit over the recent anti-abortion laws passed in Georgia, the legendary director has decided to shoot his new film there.