Former DNC public relations consultant furious he was told to leave restaurant after berating diner in MAGA hat

DC asks about being harrassed for wearing MAGA gear

Can you imagine being so “triggered” by a hat that you literally shriek at another human being and call them a “racist” and a “Nazi”?  In a (crowded) restaurant?  I know I can’t.  But MAGA hats seem to have the ability to trigger just such a response from leftist bullies.

A mere few years ago, I wouldn’t have thought it possible that anyone would see a hat on someone’s head and then behave so far outside the bounds of civility, of decency, of socially acceptable behavior. But the progressive/socialist/anarchist left has sunk to these lows in astounding numbers and with astonishing frequency over the past three or so years.

In the latest display of leftist Trump Derangement Syndrome, Hill Country Barbecue Market actually did the right thing and kicked out the offending party . . . i.e. the one creating a scene because the mere sight of a MAGA hat sent him into an uncontrollable—and unfathomable—rage.

J. T. Helmstetter, who formerly worked for both the DNC and the Progressive Change Campaign Committee, was so pleased with himself that he immediately took to Twitter to brag about his courage in shouting at a man who was quietly eating his dinner, calling him a “Nazi” because hat.

The Washington Post reports:

A public relations contractor who previously worked for the Democratic National Committee said that he was kicked out of Hill Country Barbecue Market after he confronted a diner wearing a “Make America Great Again” hat on the Fourth of July.

Around 8:30 p.m. — after President Trump had given his speech at the Lincoln Memorial as part of his “Salute to America” program but before the nighttime fireworks display — T.J. Helmstetter headed to Hill Country, a Penn Quarter restaurant that has been one of his favorite stops. In a text-message interview Friday, Helmstetter said that he, his partner and three other people found the place packed when they arrived.

“We had just walked in when I saw the guy sitting by the bar with the MAGA hat,” Helmstetter wrote. “I said, ‘Hey, are you from D. C.?’ ”

The man said no, and Helmstetter said he responded, “We don’t tolerate racism in this city.” The comment, according to Helmstetter, prompted the MAGA cap wearer’s companion to get up and jab her fingers into his chest. “I’m sure I said more things then, don’t remember what,” Helmstetter texted.

Did he curse at the woman?

“I’m from New Jersey, I’m sure I did. I might have said get your f—ing hands off of me or something like that,” he texted.

That’s when a Hill Country manager told Helmstetter, but not the target of his ire, to leave. On Twitter, Helmstetter said that Hill Country “chose to protect the Nazi’s right but not mine” to dine at the restaurant. Helmstetter then walked outside and called a Hill Country manager, who supported his staff’s decision to boot him.

Apparently, Helmstetter didn’t get the raving loves and feels he expected on Twitter because, according to WaPo, “the blowback came so fast and furious that Helmstetter decided to make his Twitter account private.”

In the cold accounting of Twitter, Helmstetter’s comment was getting “ratioed,” meaning his tweet had received more negative replies than likes. By Friday afternoon, before Helmstetter made his account private, his tweet had garnered nearly 2,300 likes compared with nearly 5,000 comments, many of them negative. Critics said Hill Country made the right call; they considered Helmstetter the aggressor and the intolerant one.

His account may be private, but the internet is, as they say, forever.  Here are the screenshots of his tweets (via Twitchy):

Twitchy shared the following thread by Ben Smith (not the Vox Ben Smith) who genuinely fears for tourists in DC who wear MAGA hats.

The Daily Caller was in DC on the Fourth and asked Trump supporters if they’ve ever been mistreated because of their MAGA gear.

No one in America should fear wearing a “Make America Great Again” hat; it is the slogan of our duly-elected president’s winning campaign and, as such, seems no more offensive than the “Hope and Change” hats we saw during Obama’s presidency.

To many people, Obama’s campaign slogan represented everything that was anathema to them and to their feelings about our country; they didn’t want it to be “fundamentally transformed,” but they somehow managed not to assault, attack, berate, humiliate, spit on, or otherwise act like vicious, spoiled “triggered” snowflakes at the sight of such hats.  Perhaps the left could take a lesson from the Tea Party and start acting like civilized, responsible human beings?

Tags: Trump Derangement Syndrome