CAT FIGHT: McCaskill takes jab at Elizabeth Warren

Hoo boy. In the fight of her electoral life, Democrat Sen. Claire McCaskill continues pretending she’s not really a Democrat, Democrat.

Recently, McCaskill ran a radio ad in which the speaker assured listeners that McCaskill was “not one of those crazy Democrats.” The ad was hilariously awful (we covered it here) and managed to trigger state-level legislators who said the “crazy Democrats” comment was a racist dog whistle.

In an interview with Fox News’ Bret Baier, Sen. McCaskill was asked about a radio ad. Without hesitation, McCaskill threw fellow female Democrat Senator Elizabeth Warren under the bus.

“The crazy Democrats are the people who walk into restaurants and scream into elected officials’ faces. The crazy Democrats, we actually have a state Senator here in Missouri that advocated for the assassination of President Trump, that’s a crazy Democrat. I don’t do those things. I am not somebody who thinks that we should ever be uncivil…” McCaskill explained. “Just to be clear, there’s not another crazy Democrat in the Senate?” Baier asked.

“Well, I would say this. I would not call my colleagues crazy, but, Elizabeth Warren sure went after me when I advocated tooling back some of the regulations for small banks and credit unions.”

Watch here:

McCaskill used a bit too much time trying to convince Baier that she’s like totes a centrist, even saying, “I vote with him [Trump] half the time!”

2015 was a happier time:

Things are not going so well for McCaskill, who continues to sink in the polls. Getting busted in an outright lie during a debate with Republican challenger Hawley didn’t help McCaskill either.

You know it’s bad when Democrats are pretending to be legislative BFFs with Trump.

Tags: 2018 Elections, Claire McCaskill, Elizabeth Warren, Massachusetts, Missouri