CAT FIGHT: McCaskill takes jab at Elizabeth Warren
“I would not call my colleagues crazy, but, Elizabeth Warren sure went after me when I advocated tooling back some of the regulations for small banks and credit unions.”

Hoo boy. In the fight of her electoral life, Democrat Sen. Claire McCaskill continues pretending she’s not really a Democrat, Democrat.
Recently, McCaskill ran a radio ad in which the speaker assured listeners that McCaskill was “not one of those crazy Democrats.” The ad was hilariously awful (we covered it here) and managed to trigger state-level legislators who said the “crazy Democrats” comment was a racist dog whistle.
In an interview with Fox News’ Bret Baier, Sen. McCaskill was asked about a radio ad. Without hesitation, McCaskill threw fellow female Democrat Senator Elizabeth Warren under the bus.
“The crazy Democrats are the people who walk into restaurants and scream into elected officials’ faces. The crazy Democrats, we actually have a state Senator here in Missouri that advocated for the assassination of President Trump, that’s a crazy Democrat. I don’t do those things. I am not somebody who thinks that we should ever be uncivil…” McCaskill explained. “Just to be clear, there’s not another crazy Democrat in the Senate?” Baier asked.
“Well, I would say this. I would not call my colleagues crazy, but, Elizabeth Warren sure went after me when I advocated tooling back some of the regulations for small banks and credit unions.”
Watch here:
McCaskill used a bit too much time trying to convince Baier that she’s like totes a centrist, even saying, “I vote with him [Trump] half the time!”
2015 was a happier time:
It's bowling night for women of the Senate! @SenWarren #bipartisanbowlingattheWH
— Claire McCaskill (@clairecmc) November 18, 2015
Things are not going so well for McCaskill, who continues to sink in the polls. Getting busted in an outright lie during a debate with Republican challenger Hawley didn’t help McCaskill either.
You know it’s bad when Democrats are pretending to be legislative BFFs with Trump.

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fix the title:
Crazy Old Ladies Fight!
They self-identify as cats… or rather pussies, in hats. Some of them, anyway. It’s the dance of cats, in hats, on a hot tin roof. They hope that November will cool their burnt tootsies, but there is a clear and progressive schism.
If only we could get Hillary to join in about this now…..
So glad Hillary isn’t in jail, yet!
Cause she’s doing more damage to the Democrat Party the longer she runs around crazy and angry!
Centrist / Moderate / Conservative – What all Democrats politicians claim to be (and the MSM presents them as) when having difficulties getting elected or re-elected.
Note: all will be a reliable left-wing Dem vote once in office.
Crazy beyotches.
McCaskill v. Warren
Warren v. McCaskill
Like a Iraq v. Iran // Iran v. Iraq war, ya want them both to lose.
The Democrat Party is one big Yuck.
Do ya’ think they are rattled about their self proclaimed Blue Wave election?
The Tidy Bowl Blue…….?
Just Flush it!
p-ass the popcorn…
someone’s internal polls must look pretty bad.
McCaskill is got to be so jealous of Warren. Warren can let her freak flag fly, and it only gets her more votes. McCaskill has to keep views in the closet to have any chance of being reelected.
McCaskill is desperate.
She’s a flaming liberal that lies about being a moderate to get elected and now is utterly desperate.
If she ever votes against Democrats its because she is giver PERMISSION to vote against them. She will never, EVER be the deciding vote against the left.
People know this. McCaskill knows they know it and is desperate.
She’s using Warren as a ‘LOOK HOW THE LEFT ATTACKS ME I’M JUST A POOR MODERATE’, and trying to cover for the fact that she votes in lockstep with Schumer 100% of the time on issues important to the left.
They both suck. One’s just worse than the other.
It is absolutely 100% taboo for liberals to point out she’s getting crushed because she voted against Kavanaugh. This is all theater so they can say she wasn’t progressive enough.
Heard a guy on the radio today talking about Tester. Same thing. Went on about how he’s a guy that works across the isle, blah, blah, but never ONCE touched on the fact that his Kavanaugh no vote showed who really owns him.