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Puppies and Social Justice Week in Higher Education

Puppies and Social Justice Week in Higher Education

Your weekly report on campus news.

Higher education is still obsessed with social justice.

But the left is projecting its softer side for votes.

Of course, the reality is different.

Very different.

And it’s all having an effect.

Promoting socialism?

No longer a minority on campus.

Good for him.

Stoners rejoice.


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I read Marx-Engels in college back when you would think I was impressionable enough to be impressed. But digging deep into communism beyond the nice sounding bullet points, it is a dark world. Their prescription for industrialized human reproduction is shocking. How can any woman buy into communism?

Tells me that today’s communists may be spouting from the communist manifesto but they never actually read Marx-Engels. It’s the same with capitalists who not only haven’t read Marx-Engels but never read the essential writings of capitalism.

We would be having better discussions if we were all to be better informed. That class I took in college was taught by a devout communist and I think he did communism more harm by being revealing in depth what it is about. Equality and freedom are not compatible. Freedom is happiness.

    Whitewall in reply to Pasadena Phil. | September 15, 2018 at 9:05 am

    Equality fares pretty well under freedom. Freedom diminishes under equality. It’s a tricky balance and there is always high tension. The leftist demagogue will always shout about equality without fail. Too much freedom is his enemy.

JusticeDelivered | September 16, 2018 at 5:54 pm

I raise conservative Rottweilers. People buy them to keep inner city socialists from taking liberties with their property or their families. Like children, how they turn out is all about parenting. It is a shame that some people raise children so poorly that the rest of us have to deal with the fallout.