Mandatory Diversity Week in Higher Education
Your weekly report on campus news.
Progressive policies in academia are so popular that they have to be made mandatory.
- Employees at Michigan State Forced to Pay for Mandatory Diversity Workshop
- Minnesota State Will Offer Counseling for Student Leaders After Mandatory Diversity Training
- George Washington U. Students Will be Forced to Attend Diversity Workshops
Of course, diversity of thought is strictly forbidden.
- Students and University Employees Vandalize Students’ Pro-Life Messages
- Vassar Prof: Media, Universities Should Refuse to Host Unpopular and Offensive Speakers
- UMass Will Continue Offering ‘Resistance Studies’ Courses This Fall
And if you’re a Trump supporter, well…
- Temple U. Will Offer #YouAreWelcomeHere Scholarship as Rebuke of Trump
- Canadian Poli Sci Prof Compares Sarah Sanders to Nazi Propaganda Minister
Law enforcement? Who needs it?
- Texas State U. Anarchist Group: All Cops Deserve to Die
- Student Activists at Univ. of Chicago Demand Campus Police be Disarmed
- UC Berkeley Warns Students of Possible Campus ICE ‘Sweeps’
There is some good news.
- U. West Florida Improves Free Speech Policy Based on New Law Signed by Gov. Rick Scott
- UMass Amherst Drops Speech Zone Policy After Lawsuit
- U. Colorado Considers Removing the Word ‘Liberal’ From ‘Liberal Education’
You think?

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