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Is Elizabeth Warren Using Mashpee Wampanoag Casino Battle To Shed Her Fake Indian Brand?

Is Elizabeth Warren Using Mashpee Wampanoag Casino Battle To Shed Her Fake Indian Brand?

Part of her struggles to “neutralize her ‘Pocahontas’ problem”?

Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) denies a desire to run for president in 2020, while busily building up a campaign war chest.  But she has a problem, a problem so big that even leftist Trevor Noah called her out on it.

Warren’s Native American deception has been dogging her for years, and it looks like she has a plan to help rid herself of the “Pocahontas” label.  With President Trump branding her as “Pocahontas” and even Bill Maher casually referring to her by that name, Warren has been inundated with negative press and social media.

What’s a progressive Senator to do?  How about a flip-flop on gambling in Massachusetts?  And how about this flip-flop focusing on a controversial casino desired by the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe?  Never mind that she has adamantly opposed a 2011 state measure to expand gambling in Massachusetts, even attempting to get the measure repealed in 2014.

The Washington Times reports:

She’s never been a gambling fan, but Sen. Elizabeth Warren is pushing federal legislation to help deliver a casino to a tribe with a checkered past as she struggles to neutralize her “Pocahontas” problem.

Her bill, introduced in March with fellow Massachusetts Democrat Sen. Edward Markey, would allow the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe to build a $1 billion gaming resort about halfway between Boston and Cape Cod even though a federal court blocked the project in 2016.

. . . . The Senate bill and its House companion have drawn cheers from tribal leaders eager to resume construction on the lavish complex while stirring resentment among locals irritated at the prospect of Congress big-footing the ongoing Interior Department review.

“It’s certainly an end-run on both what’s going on in court and at the agency level,” said attorney David Tennant, who represents 25 Taunton residents challenging the project.

This is all very perplexing given Warren’s statements against gambling and her work trying to get gambling disorder screenings included in U. S. military screenings.

The Washington Times continues:

Ms. Warren’s involvement comes despite a record indicating that when it comes to gaming, she’s not a high roller.

She opposed the state’s 2011 law expanding Las Vegas-style gambling and supported the 2014 repeal effort, which was defeated. Last year, she sponsored a bill to treat gambling addiction in the military.

“It’s a tough call to make,” Ms. Warren told Reuters in 2014. “People need jobs, but gambling can also be a real problem economically for a lot of people. I didn’t support gambling the first time around and I don’t expect to support it [now].”

Hot Air has more details on the problems with this particular casino project and the related battle over tribal lands.

[T]his particular tribe might not be the best one to hitch her wagon to, if you’ll pardon the phrase. This casino project has been in trouble from day one. Many of the locals opposed the project and went to court to try to stop it. Also, the required federal stewardship of the tribal lands where it’s being constructed was challenged when a federal court rejected the Interior Departments decision to take the land into trust, saying that they could only do so for lands owned by tribes which were recognized prior to the Indian Reorganization Act of 1934. That wound up shutting down construction on the casino complex three years ago.

Further, the Mashpee Wampanoag were one of the tribes caught up in the Jack Abramoff scandals more than a decade ago. Their leadership got into hot water over charges ranging from embezzlement and illegal lobbying to campaign finance law violations.

So what is she up to?  It’s not clear how this can rehabilitate her image since she can’t bring herself to acknowledge—much less apologize for—her Native American deception.

Here’s a quick reminder of the extent of her deception:


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We should be calling her by her real name. Fauxcahontas.

Calling her Pocahontas is an insult to the real one.

DouglasJBender | May 13, 2018 at 8:09 pm

She heap big Indian giver.

Time may have passed her by. The filthy rich, bossy, strident woman pretending to be represent the common folk, when she actually believes they’re deplorable, may not sell in spite of her deceptive cultural appropriation.

Henry Hawkins | May 13, 2018 at 8:51 pm

Stands With A Sneer

Checks the box

Long time ago, Fauxcahontas step in heap-big pile of fecal waste, but nobody smell it. But smell, now.

Stink will remain until eagle flies with dove.

Or until hillary klinton wins gold medal at next Olympic games. Or until obama gives back his nobel prize for nothing. Or until mooooochelle obama becomes bikini model. Or until McConnell becomes patriot. Or until Sessions indicts crooked democrat. Or until McCain reaches 100. Or until NY Times becomes newspaper again. Or until hollywood idiots admit being hollywood idiots. Or until Tom Steyer becomes sane. Or until George Soros reverts back to Judaism. Or until Mueller finds Russian collusion. Or until Maxine Waters becomes sane.

I’ll point out…again…that Vikings had high cheek-bones.

To the best of my knowledge, none of them were Native Americans.

A lot of American Indians DON’T have high cheek-bones. But they all DO have some DNA that can identify them.

    Henry Hawkins in reply to Ragspierre. | May 13, 2018 at 10:12 pm

    Dude, it’s racist and sexist – rasexist – to ask her for a simple DNA test.

    Ironically, if she’d copped to her bullshit when first caught out, many/most people would have forgiven and forgotten by now.

      Ragspierre in reply to Henry Hawkins. | May 13, 2018 at 10:32 pm

      Isn’t that always true? Seems to be EVERY time.

      forksdad in reply to Henry Hawkins. | May 14, 2018 at 9:50 am

      And a DNA test would mean nothing. DNA is not how tribes determine membership. Birth records, blood quantum, cultural, and geographic considerations come into play. Also, federal judges can apparently stick their noses into it too.

      But a simple DNA test? Worthless.

        Henry Hawkins in reply to forksdad. | May 14, 2018 at 10:12 am

        My wife was a registered member of the Cherokee tribe. DNA testing was used to make sure she was actually related to the other registered Cherokee members named in the various supporting documents, such as her mother, maternal grandparents, etc.

          forksdad in reply to Henry Hawkins. | May 14, 2018 at 10:49 pm

          That’s kind of new. The only time the tribe here does it if there is some reason to believe that the father isn’t the father. Makes sense though but I don’t see them expanding it.

          Tribal money isn’t like Fed money (although some of it is fed money), it is finite and tribes aren’t usually out looking for long lost members. A ‘check your DNA day’ would be kind of embarrassing for some folks.

She Heap Big Lyin’ MFer.

I believe that is Iroquois for “the lady doth protest too much”.

Huh? Tossing favors to the Wampum Indians isn’t likely to help anyone forget her phoney Affirmative Action issues.

All she has to do is, is self identify as Cherokee as ms Rachel did to be Black, and “case solved”.

    Edward in reply to gonzotx. | May 14, 2018 at 8:01 am

    Except not one of the three Federally recognized Cherokee tribes have said she is qualified to be on the Tribal Rolls. Obviously the Eastern Band of the Cherokee is out because they are not located in Oklahoma, but the Cherokee Nation and United Keetoowah are both OK located tribes and both state unequivocally that they find no records which would make her qualified for tribal membership.

      Milhouse in reply to Edward. | May 14, 2018 at 10:37 am

      But she never claimed to be qualified to be on any tribal role. Her claim was that she was in fact an Indian, not that she was registered as one or legally entitled to be. So her absence from the rolls is irrelevant, but a DNA test would prove her claim false.

SacadaBS works for me

So has the tribe promised to put her on the Tribal Roll if she comes through with the casino?

    Valerie in reply to Edward. | May 14, 2018 at 12:30 am

    This was my thought. She finally found a tribe with leaders as ethical as she is. If she delivers, they make her a member.

    Problem solved, she will say.

    puhiawa in reply to Edward. | May 14, 2018 at 3:00 am

    They have a casino tribe back east where not a single member can prove American indian DNA.

Shrieking Crow on warpath. Leads loser tribe to water hole.

She used Native Americans as a prop to advance her career.

To recover from that Sin, she is using Native Americans as a prop to salvage that career.

Hats tip to ya Screwtape, well played. This one is all yours.

Bucky Barkingham | May 14, 2018 at 7:41 am

She speaks (and votes?) with forked tongue.

So, who cares? The whole “minority identity” is BS. Remember when the USA was called the “melting pot”? The place where it didn’t matter where you or your ancestors came from? Where everyone was supposedly equal? What happened to that America? Now everyone is running around trying to identify with some racial, cultural, religious or foreign national minority. And, if you do not belong to their specific minority identity group you ain’t s**t.

    notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital in reply to Mac45. | May 14, 2018 at 12:15 pm

    What happened to the good ol’ USA?

    The Democrat Plantation is what happened!

    JoAnne in reply to Mac45. | May 14, 2018 at 1:27 pm

    Yeah, poor people like me who are mutts don’t have a seat at the table, we’re relegated to under the table!

notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital | May 14, 2018 at 12:14 pm

RE: “Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) denies a desire to run for president in 2020, while busily building up a campaign war chest…..”

It would not be the 1st time nor the 2 millionth and 1st time Lie-a-lotta has spun mis-truths….????????????

Henry Hawkins | May 14, 2018 at 7:10 pm

As much as I detest characters like Rachel Dolezal and that other guy whose name I now forget (both are white people falsely claiming to be black), at least they were working to benefit their, ahem, elected race, albeit in a radical leftist way.

Warren stole a native American identity, but did absolutely nothing for them.

On the national stage, she can’t win. She knows it. We know it. Her baggage weighs more than a 747. Her only future lies with the “Masshole” voters …. what I can I say, that state is full of “Massholes”.