Terrorist Rasmea Odeh deported
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Terrorist Rasmea Odeh deported

Terrorist Rasmea Odeh deported

Propaganda machine falsely portrays her as a victim to the very end.

Today was the day. Convicted terrorist murderer and immigration fraudster Rasmea Odeh’s last day on U.S. soil.

She’s been stripped of her citizenship and put on a plane out of O’Hare for Jordan, where she’ll join convicted terrorist murderer Ahlam Tamimi, the mastermind of the Sbarro Pizzeria Massacre.

For background on Rasmea and her pathetic lying supporters, see my post Convicted terrorist and immigration fraudster Rasmea Odeh to be deported September 19. 

For background on the lies of Rasmea and her supporters, see our posts:

I also gave a detailed explanation in my interview, The Lies of Rasmea Odeh and Her Supporters Exposed.

Demonstrating the effectiveness of the propaganda campaign by Rasmea’s supporters, the Associated Press headline, widely shared, referred to her as an “activist” rather than the terrorist she is and uncritically quoted her claim of a coerced confession:


Not surprisingly, the members of the Rasmea Propaganda Brigades wished Rasmea well, like the toxic US Campaign for Palestinian Rights (f/k/a US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation). Next time they try to hold an event on Capitol Hill, remind congressmen and senators that the group, including Executive Director Yousef Munayyer (third from left in back row in photo below), fully embrace Rasmea and her goal of the destruction of Israel:


Jewish Voice for Peace, the virulently anti-Israel group that has been one of Rasmea’s strongest backers, including honoring her at JVP’s annual meeting, also wished Rasmea well:


Just before the Send-Off event, JVP national also reposted a video of Rasmea playing the victim:


Rasmea’s main support group tweeted out an image of Rasmea’s mural at Reem’s Bakery in Oakland:


Here are images of Rasmea at the airport saying goodbye to her supporters:



As usual, Rasmea and her supporters used the occasion to defame Israel during a “press conference” and to declare that “we will liberate Palestine.”

Always remember Rasmea’s victims.


[Vigil in memory of Edward Joffe and Leon Kanner, DePaul University, outside fundraiser for Rasmea Odeh]


[Edward Joffe, overlooking Jerusalem]



[Edward Joffe’s Mother and Sister at funeral 1969]


[In the camera that was found at the bombing site was this photo which was taken with the scenery of Jerusalem. This photo was later developed as Leon did not get the chance to see it.]


[Leon Kanner Mother and Sisters at Funeral, Jerusalem 1969]


[Graves of Edward Joffe and Leon Kanner Jerusalem, photo by William Jacobson]


[Sisters of Leon Kanner, brother of Edward Joffe][Photo by William Jacobson, May 2015, Israel]


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Good riddance.

Just looking at her makes me want to vomit.

    guyjones in reply to 2Am4Sure. | September 19, 2017 at 8:05 pm

    More than this vile crone causing revulsion, are the contemptible, morally bankrupt Leftist reprobates in the U.S. who support her and cast her as an alleged “victim.”

I wish we had bought the Saar 5. Instead of wasting money on the LCS. The Littoral Combat Ship. Or as it is more populary known the Little Crappy Ship.

Thanks to Israel I learned Krav Maga.

4th armored div | September 19, 2017 at 7:36 pm

any bets on how long her life will be in jordan, there must be some one whose life this turd snuffed out who will return the favor.

The truly sad part here is that the idiots at the airport weren’t herded onto the plane with her. I bet their support of this terrorists scum would have waned a bit by the time their feet hit the ground in Jordan.

Perhap’s the friends and families of the 80+ terrorists this murderer ratted out in 1969 in an effort to lessen her own sentence will be waiting to give her an equally “warm” greeting when she arrives in Jordan. We can only hope, as mere deportation is too mild a punishment for the murder of Edward and Leon, and the additional murders that would have occurred if her attempted embassy bombing had succeeded.

We should also see if intensive mental health services (inpatient) can be arranged for the intellectual midgets in this country who believed her cock and bull stories. This goes beyond cognitive dissonance and approaches madness!

notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital | September 19, 2017 at 9:01 pm

Can we get a death sentence for this murderer?

    The time for that was at her trial 48 years ago. Unfortunately, while Israeli law provides for capital punishment its prosecutors have unilaterally adopted a policy of never asking for it, even in defiance of the elected government’s orders. Yet another example of how Israel’s democracy is a sham, and its real government is the judiciary and legal establishment.

    My hope is that some of the “revolutionaries” she gave up to Israeli Intelligence after her arrest will exact a measure of “equality.”

    Then they will blame her violent and unfortunate demise to Mossad . . .

buckeyeminuteman | September 19, 2017 at 9:25 pm

Is she going to prison in Jordan or is she free to plan new terror attacks and agitate on the Left’s behalf?

She should have been deported the day her citizenship was revoked, and put on the plane in handcuffs…without supporters present.

This sendoff is disgusting,

    Milhouse in reply to austin. | September 20, 2017 at 3:11 am

    Deportation takes time to arrange.

    Yes, the sendoff was disgusting; if I were running the airport I’d not have allowed it to happen there, on the grounds that everyone attending is a potential terrorist and therefore it’s an unacceptable security risk. That wouldn’t have stopped them holding it elsewhere, though.

Commit murder, become celebrity, go live in Jordan. Got away with it!