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Pushing Back on the Left Week in Higher Education

Pushing Back on the Left Week in Higher Education

Your weekly report on campus news.

There have been some positive developments in higher education this week.

Of course, the resistance continues.

It’s still all leftism, all the time.

Harvard had a busy week.

But it sounds like such fun.

Of course they do.



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“Muslim Teen Accepted to Stanford After Writing #BlackLivesMatter 100 Times on Application” Along with millions from unnamed Islamic organization (Semi-pun – it may turnout to be true).

DDsModernLife | April 8, 2017 at 10:28 am

I’d like to add this article by an an associate professor of History at Montreal’s McGill University, Jason Opal, to the roster of Leftist hysteria and self-loathing: “America Should Never Be ‘Great Again’.”

(I noticed that he completed his undergraduate studies at Cornell. Heh.)

Meanwhile, at Claremont McKenna, the inmates run the asylum. Check off another “college” my child will never attend.

The obvious fear that liberals show to opinions other than theirs demonstrates both the strength of the speaker’s argument, and the weakness of the protesters.

Too bad they are too ignorant to realize it.