New Tone Week at Legal Insurrection
All the news you may have missed.

Remember a few years back when liberals wagged their fingers and demanded a new tone in politics? Good times.
- Morning Joe Rips Trump Mex Trip: ‘Flip-Flop, Nonsensical, Sociopath’
- Meet the Press: Former Obama Campaign Mgr. Calls Trump a Psychopath
Political battles were won and lost this week.
- Florida Senate Race: Rubio, Murphy Likely To Win Tuesday’s Primary
- Wasserman Schultz Fights For Her Political Life in Tough Primary
- Sen. John McCain Survives Arizona Primary Battle
The return of Carlos Danger.
Is the McBrexit coming?
Higher education updates:
- If Stats Are Accurate, Yale is Almost as Dangerous as Detroit
- U. North Dakota Offers Social Justice Warriors Separate Housing
- Clemson Stops Student Praying on Campus: Not a Free Speech Area
BDS updates.
- Israeli filmmaker disinvited at Syracuse U: “BDS faction on campus will make matters very unpleasant”
- Syracuse University begins whitewash of BDS-driven disinvite of Israeli filmmaker
Branco cartoons.

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