Huma Abedin Leaves Weiner After New Sexting Scandal
Carlos Danger strikes again.

Huma Abedin, the top aide to Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, has announced she’s leaving her husband Anthony Weiner after The New York Post revealed he’s still sexting other women.
Huma Abedin and Anthony Weiner are separating
— Bradd Jaffy (@BraddJaffy) August 29, 2016
The Post reported he sent this brunette sexy DMs from January 2015 to this month. He sent her one crotch shot with his toddler son in bed with him:
The stay-at-home cad shot the revealing photo while discussing massage parlors “near my old apartment” shortly after 3 a.m. on July 31, 2015, a screenshot of the exchange shows.
Weiner was clearly aroused by his conversation with the 40-something divorcee when he abruptly changed the subject.
“Someone just climbed into my bed,” Weiner wrote.
“Really?” she responded.
Weiner then hit “Send” on the cringe-inducing image, which shows a bulge in his white, Jockey-brand boxer briefs and his son cuddled up to his left, wrapped in a light-green blanket.
“You do realize you can see you[r] Weiner in that pic??” the woman wrote.
He did not deny the report:
“She has asked me not to comment except to say that our conversations were private, often included pictures of her nieces and nephews and my son and were always appropriate,” he said. By Monday morning, Weiner had deleted his Twitter account. By Monday afternoon, his wife, Huma Abedin, announced the two were separating.
Weiner’s sexting skills came to light in 2011 when he accidentally posted a revealing photo on his public Twitter timeline. Andrew Breitbart ran the story, even taking over Weiner’s press conference to address the issue. The liberal media went haywire, even accusing Breitbart and then Big Journalism editor Dana Loesch of hacking his Twitter account and posting the picture.
Well, Weiner admitted he did it and resigned from Congress. He went into rehab and launched a campaign to become mayor of New York City with Huma by his side. But that went into a downward spiral when Sydney Leathers revealed he sexted her under the name Carlos Danger. He finished fifth, but Huma did not leave her husband.
In May, Weiner starred in a documentary about his run for mayor “airing all his dirty laundry.” Vogue then published an extensive profile on Huma, where she gushes about Weiner and the amazing support he gives her as a stay-at-home dad so she can travel on the campaign trail.
Hillary supported Huma when she said she wanted to stay with Weiner and work on their marriage. But everything changed Sunday night:
After The Post published its article on Sunday night revealing Mr. Weiner’s latest messages, several allies of Mrs. Clinton said they contacted campaign advisers to express their frustration and anger with Mr. Weiner and to ask if the campaign or Ms. Abedin would be responding to the article or taking any action. Two of these allies said they were told that some kind of statement would be coming and urged them to respect Ms. Abedin’s privacy.

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Hillary, if you really want to keep a Weiner out of the WH, you will have to cut off Bill from his johnson.
Or, have you already?
Hummer removed from Weiner.
Seeing her penchant for weiners, how much do you want to bet she’s with Slick Willy now?
Um, I very much doubt it. Bill is not the Clinton she’s with. And I doubt she’s ever really been that interested in Anthony or any of his relatives.
It’s easy to make fun of him, and I’ve certainly done my share. But jokes aside – Anthony Weiner spent his life building his career, marriage, and reputation, and look at him now. He threw it all away despite being given every opportunity to change. How often are we our own worst enemy. The lesson here is that you need to conquer your own inner demons before you’re successful, not after, because by then it’ll be too late.
Didn’t we see all this before, about eight years ago, when Obama first defended then kicked Rev. Wright to the curb? I doubt that Huma is separating for any other reason than the remote chance it might damage her real lover’s campign.
Probably looking for an excuse to do this for a long time.
Recall that not long ago Hillary was in eclipse—ex-Senator, ex-Sec. of State … “ex” meaning of no use to anybody looking to peddle influence. Weiner, though, was thought at one time to be an up-and-comer, the new Chuck Schumer, someone who might help control the Senate. As such, he would need a handler. And Huma was essentially free; a Hillary fading into the sunset wouldn’t need a handler any more.
Then Weiner made himself too ridiculous even for the Democrats, and a necromancer brought Hillary back to life. Weiner goes back to being useless, and Hillary needs a dedicated handler again.
Drudge headline
Huma says giving up Weiner is hard, but Hillary always comes first.
This is some kind of obsessive/compulsive psychosis. He is doing this for purely vicarious thrills and cannot control himself.
It also has that train wreck quality where you don’t want to look but can’t look away.
Ones married to a serial sexual assaulter the other married to an online deviant. Imagine that morally devoid administration at 1600
The photo of Weiner in bed with his son while s3xting is old news – it dates back to 2015 – so Huma was not compelled to leave him – until it was needed as a distraction – after she and Hillary are now in hot water about the Clinton Foundation fraud and mis-use of State Department – for their financial gain.
Same old Democrat MO -> corruption, greed @ which the Clintons excel.
Do note – investigators looking into the Clinton Foundation fraud schemes won’t be deterred by the Weiner’s ‘very sad marriage’ attempt to garner sympathy for Huma. Hillary, Inc. is naive to think so.
Clinton Foundation Fraud – 40 separate credible/concrete cases found and developed – more in the works:
Investigator – Charles Ortel –
Clinton Crime Family/Machine is desperate enough to cry racism, phobe, bigot, etc. in her last public speech….trying to hang the opposition with those labels. Alt-right groups are just 20-30 something folks having fun with memes – there is nothing innately racist about their culture.
However, Hillary, Inc. wants to make any opposition to the mass influx of un-vetted Islamists a matter of hate, intolerance, racism, bigotry, etc.
As if not wanting the atrocities of Islam in our neighborhoods and cities is racism.
Bravo Sierra, Hillary, Inc. It’s just basic human nature to want one’s children and family to survive and be safe.
Islam is as Islam does.
Here is the last 30 days of Islam’s doings:
Does this mean that “Abedin Cut Weiner Off!”?
As someone previously said – Bill Clinton is a pre-internet Anthony Weiner. But his contribution to Huma’s political career was not significant enough
Weiner, Johnson, come on now… who’s picking these politician’s names?
This is really nobody’s business. There is plenty we can say about Huma Abedin’s role in facilitating Clinton’s influencing peddling scheme at the State Department. But her marriage is off limits.
Weiner’s scandalous behavior is indefensible but it seems like a self-destructive obsession. We do not know and should not pry into their marriage or make judgments one way or another into what she chooses to do.
According to news reports, Child Protective Services was looking into the case because Weiner’s photo with the child while engaging in the unseemly behavior pictured in the photo/text is legally considered child abuse.
Ms. Huma Abedin, whose family are loyal/active members of Muslim Brotherhood, has only a few short years before her son will be the customary age to go into a Madrassa.
However, the focus being now on the Weiners marriage will not deter investigation Hillary and Huma’s Clinton Foundation State Department (pay to play) criminal/treasonous activity.