Socialism Metaphor Alert: Anti-Trump protester backflips, lands on head

Trump Protester Wisconsin Back Flip

Rebel Pundit (aka Jeremy Segal) and Andrew Marcus have filmed some great videos of anti-Trump protesters.

They filmed Bill Ayers and other wack jobs at the Chicago protest to shut down the Trump rally. The blond woman screaming about white male privilege is a haunting image of post-intellectual America.

Language Warning

Rebel Pundit also captured the teenager pepper-sprayed seconds after she punched someone in the face.

This video, though, may be my favorite.

An anti-Trump protester, after spewing profanity, does a back flip — and lands on his head.

But that’s not even the best part.

He then claims that’s what he intended to do.  This is a profound metaphor for the Socialist Democratic Party of America.

Language Warning

What do you think, does he at least get a Participation Award?

Poll Open Until Midnight (Pacific Time) Saturday Night, April 2

Tags: Donald Trump, Rebel Pundit, Wisconsin