Rasmea Odeh conviction | jury verdict | Sentencing
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Justice was done in Rasmea Odeh conviction (#Justice4Rasmea)

Justice was done in Rasmea Odeh conviction (#Justice4Rasmea)

Tortured logic of anti-Israel activists turns perpetrator into victim.


Rasmieh (Rasmea) Odeh was convicted on Monday by a jury in Detroit, after only 2 hours of deliberation, of unlawful procurement of naturalization.

Odeh failed to reveal on her initial visa application and subsequent naturalization application that in 1969 she had been convicted of a terrorist bombing at a Super Sol supermarket, and served time in prison. Odeh served 10 years before being released by Israel as part of a prisoner release for a captured Israeli soldier in Lebanon.

Her Israeli conviction was not just for the bombing.

The pro-Rasmea propaganda campaign by anti-Israel Palestinian activists has been a textbook example of how anti-Israel propaganda works in the U.S.

Odeh claims that her confession to involvement in the bombing was the result of her being sexually tortured in front of her father by Israeli soldiers, and even made to watch another prisoner being tortured to death. There is no way to verify or not her story.

But there is evidence that Odeh was involved in the bombing apart from her confession. In this video, part of a pro-Palestinian Women in Struggle documentary, a woman identified as either her sister or “comrade”  talks about how Rasmea was involved in the bombing (watch the video here).

National Review reports:

When Odeh was 21 years old, she was a member of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), a Marxist-Leninist group and original member of the Palestine Liberation Organization, which the U.S. has designated as a foreign terrorist organization, according to the indictment.

On Feb. 21, 1969, PFLP members planted bombs at the Shufersol supermarket, as well as the British Consulate in Jerusalem. “One of the supermarket bombs malfunctioned and did not detonate,” the indictment says, adding that “the bomb left in the courtyard of the British consulate was discovered and removed to a safe place.” Less than a week later, the indictment says, the PFLP members left another bomb at the British Consulate, which detonated but caused only structural damage.

On March 1, 1969, Odeh and four others were arrested for these bombings. According to a Nov. 19 discovery notice, a military court in Israel convicted her for membership in an illegal organization, as well as for participating in all three bombings. Odeh was sentenced to life in prison, the indictment says.

In a 2004 documentary, Women in Struggle, a woman named Ayesha Oudeh—identified in news reports as either Rasmieh Odeh’s sister or her “comrade” – said in an interview: “Rasmiyeh Oudeh was more involved than I was [in the grocery store bombing] … I only got involved during the preparation of explosives. We wanted to place two bombs to blow up consecutively. I suggested to have the second bomb go off 5 or 6 minutes after the first bomb so that those who get killed in it would be members of the army and secret service, but it did not explode. They diffused it 20 seconds before it exploded.”

Women in Struggle Video Rasmiyeh Oudeh super sol

Women in Struggle Video Rasmiyeh Oudeh more involved

Women in Struggle Video Rasmiyeh Oudeh studied location

Women in Struggle Video Rasmiyeh Oudeh preparation explosives

Despite independent evidence of Odeh’s involvement in the Super Sol bombing, Odeh’s supporters claim that the entire immigration prosecution is about punishing the victim of torture. Charlotte Silver, who also writes for the virulently anti-Israel Electronic Intifada and attended Odeh’s trial, wrote on November 4, 2014 in The Nation:Will Rasmea Odeh Go to Prison Because of a Confession Obtained Through Torture?. That article was tweeted over 1000 times, and its theme is repeated at anti-Israel websites like The Electronic Intifada and Mondoweiss.

On Twitter, the #Justice4Rasmea hashtag is filled with hundreds of tweets about how Odeh supposedly is being convicted of immigration charges because of Israeli torture, as if it is a fact and there is not independent evidence of Odeh’s involvement in the bombing.

The activist reaction to the immigration charges and verdict is a reflection of the larger insistence on turning Palestinian perpetrators into victims. Rasmea Odeh was involved in bombing a supermarket, then lied when applying to immigrate to and become a citizen of the United States — yet Odeh somehow is the victim.

That is how the defense wanted the trial conducted, to put Israel instead of Rasmea Odeh on trial, to make the case about supposed torture rather than lying on immigration forms. The Judge would not allow it, and rightly so. Odeh was not charged in Detroit with being a terrorist, she was charged with not disclosing her conviction and imprisonment despite the form asking if the applicant “ever” had been arrested, convicted or imprisoned.

Odeh’s defense was that she thought the question only applied to arrests, convictions and imprisonment since she came to the United States a decade before her naturalization. The prosecution, and apparently the jury too, scoffed at the suggestion that “ever” doesn’t mean “ever.” The prosecution used the analogy in closing argument about a woman asking her husband-to-be if he “ever” had been married, and the husband answering “no” even though he had been married in a foreign country before coming to the United States. It was a ridiculous defense, and rightly rejected.

At The Blaze, Sharona Schwartz reports on the delusional reaction of the protesters outside the courthouse after the verdict, where they chanted “Yes We Can”:

An Arab-American community activist was found guilty by a federal jury in Detroit Monday of immigration fraud for hiding that she was once convicted for a deadly terrorist bombing in Israel.

Pro-Palestinian activists decried the conviction of Rasmieh Yousef Odeh, 67, calling it a “travesty of justice” and a “sham trial.”

After the verdict, Odeh spoke in English and Arabic to several dozen of her supporters gathered outside the courthouse.

“We can find the justice in some place, maybe not in this court, maybe in other place. There’s a justice in this world. We will find it,” Odeh said through a megaphone. “Don’t worry. We will find it. We will find the justice.”

Her supporters – some who traveled from Chicago to be at her trial – began chanting in unison, along with Odeh, the slogan of President Barack Obama’s 2009 campaign: “Yes we can! Yes we can!”

The daughter of one of Rasmea Odeh’s bombing victims recently wrote at Huffington Post about the case:

On Friday, Feb. 21, 1969, my dad’s brother, Edward Joffe, and his best friend, Leon Kanner, went to the supermarket Supersol at the intersection of Agron and Hamelech George in Jerusalem to make some purchases for a botany department excursion. As they approached the meat counter, an explosive device, a biscuit can filled with five kilograms of dynamite, which had been placed there by Rasmieh Yousef Odeh and Ayesha Oudeh, was suddenly detonated, and Eddie and Leon were both instantly killed.

And so again I ask the supporters of Rasmieh Yousef Odeh: At what point will you stop defending her?

The unfortunate answer is never. Because it’s not about truth, and certainly not about justice.

It’s about anti-Israel agitation and propaganda, whether in Detroit or Ferguson or the United Nations.

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See ya! Don’t want to be near ya!

Justice has not been done. Not yet.

She still needs to be put on an airplane and shipped back to wherever it is that she belongs.

Question: Will she be sentenced to prison time for her crime?

    Anchovy in reply to CalFed. | November 11, 2014 at 1:44 pm

    Prison? Are you kidding? The question is how many American universities are trying to get her on faculty.

      CalFed in reply to Anchovy. | November 11, 2014 at 4:20 pm

      She refused a plea offer, went to trial and lost. I’m betting the prosecutor will request some jail time and she will certainly be stripped of her citizenship.

        Anchovy in reply to CalFed. | November 11, 2014 at 4:40 pm

        Cool. If she does get prison time she can follow Mumia Abu-Jamal as a commencement speaker at Goddard College in Vermont so that she has some university experience before she is hired to teach.

          CalFed in reply to Anchovy. | November 11, 2014 at 5:39 pm

          Just my prediction, but she will be stripped of her citizenship and deported.

          Title 8, USC 1451 states in relevant part:

          When a person shall be convicted under section 1425 of title 18 of knowingly procuring naturalization in violation of law, the court in which such conviction is had SHALL thereupon revoke, set aside, and declare void the final order admitting such person to citizenship, and shall declare the certificate of naturalization of such person to be canceled. Jurisdiction is conferred on the courts having jurisdiction of the trial of such offense to make such adjudication.

          The judge in this case has given no indication that he will do anything but follow the law.

          CalFed in reply to Anchovy. | November 12, 2014 at 11:04 am

          Odeh’s bond was revoked and she is now in custody. That could be an indication that the Judge intends to impose some period of custody as part of her sentence.

TrooperJohnSmith | November 11, 2014 at 12:07 pm

0bama will pardon her.

Oops: “The daughter of one of Rasmea Odeh’s bombing recently wrote at Huffington Post about the case:”


huffpost broke the “The daughter of one of Rasmea Odeh’s bombing victims recently wrote at Huffington Post about the case:” link? it’s now @

Apparently Odeh’s bond has been revoked and she is in the slam this very moment.

While it’s of course irrelevant to her prosecution, since she’d be guilty even if her conviction had been under the USSR or the Third Reich, it’s worth remembering that every word she said about her “torture” was a lie. The ShaBaK uses forceful methods of interrogation, and used even more forceful methods back then, but it has never done anything like what she described.

A country like Israel that does not acknowledge the people living there that are not Jewish has no problems dehumanizing them, like their comment about bombing Gaza as “mowing the lawn”, or letting their IDF snipers shoot and kill Palestinians teenagers (caught on film by CNN), or shooting the person beating on their van, then dragging him like a deer carcus and tossing him into the van (caught on camera), or beating senseless an American youth (caught on camera). Israel slaughtered close to 3,000 Palestinians in Gaza and continues its carnage in the West Bank and East Jerusalem (which is Occupied Territory). Israel says it does not have the death penalty. It doesn’t need it when it does it extrajudicially.

Israel will go and murder anyone it chooses, anywhere, like it got caught doing on security cameras (I can’t recall which Arab state it was, but it was a Palestinian they assassinated). Caught on film.

Odeh’s “trial” was not justice. It’s not justice served when the judge ties the hands of the defence behind their back and gags the accused. That is a sham. Growing up, we called it “southern justice.”

    Milhouse in reply to Dean Olson. | November 13, 2014 at 8:29 pm

    You’re a f—ing liar. In the IDF’s entire history it has never even once knowingly targeted an innocent person. And no, being a teenager does not make someone innocent.

    Israel certainly does acknowledge people living there who are not Jewish, and if they are peaceful law-abiding people they have a wonderful life there. If they are Nazi f–ks like you, and try to kill Jews, then they will get killed as they deserve. Israel killed about 2000 terrrorists in Gaza, and that was not nearly enough. There were also some civilians accidentally killed with them, as happens in every war, but not even close to the usual ratio that other armies consider perfectly acceptable; the usual ratio is 3 civilians to 1 combatant; in this case it was less than 1 civilian to 1 combatant! Collateral damage is not murder, it is an unfortunate but legally acceptable cost of war.

    BTW Israel does have the death penalty, but declines to use it. That is a mistake. This Odeh woman should have been sentenced to death in the first place, as she would have been in the USA, and then we wouldn’t have this case now.

    “Odeh’s “trial” was not justice. It’s not justice served when the judge ties the hands of the defence behind their back and gags the accused. That is a sham. Growing up, we called it ‘southern justice.’ ”

    Dean, Judge Gershwin Drain is an African American Jurist appointed by President Obama. For you to accuse him of “southern justice” shows your complete ignorance of the Federal rules of evidence as well as a wide streak of racism.