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March 2013

Rush Limbaugh's broadcast a year ago on the day of Andrew Breibart's death, March 1, 2012. One of the best memorials I've heard. (h/t Stix Blog) For background on the lies told about Breitbart's Shirley Sherrod tape, and how it supposedly was misleading, see my post Repeat after...

From David: Greetings from Fort Worth, Texas. I was at the local Walmart tonight and thought I’d check out their ammo section to see what kind of selection they carry. I was so shocked at how picked over it was. There were 2 signs on the glass...

A reader forwarded me the link to this Michael Barone article from October 11, 2008 (the day before the first post at Legal Insurrection), The Coming Obama Thugocracy: I need you to go out and talk to your friends and talk to your  neighbors,” Barack Obama told...

10. I'd have to drive, which would not be sustainable and green. 9. I hear there are a lot of college kids swooning over people who don't deserve to be swooned over. 8. It's too political, and there's nothing I hate more than politics. 7. What's her name with the...

Graeme Zielinski, Communications Director for the Wisconsin Democratic Party, was one of the key Democratic operatives behind the anti-Scott Walker intimidation campaign which we featured here so often around this time last year, Wisconsin’s long, strange trip. Zielinski stood out from the usual protest operatives because of his...

Brats spoiled by brats: Whiny Harvard Crimson crybabies tell conservatives not to enroll if they plan on bashing Harvard as too liberal Students in Montreal Clash With Riot Police Over $70 Annual Increase in Tuition Whitewashing the influence of left-wing faculty Domestic Terrorist Bill Ayers Named ‘Visiting Scholar’ at...

These are pretty funny. Via DailyRushbo: I have a post scheduled for 7 a.m. Will we make it that far?...

Donna Brazile sent the Tweet of the Day earlier this week when she expressed amazement that her health insurance premiums were rising, “You broke the health care system, you own it” Tweet of the Day: What's on your menu? Just got off the phone with my...

Legal Insurrection supported Dan Bongino in the 2012 Maryland Senate race. Unfortunately, Dan was up against huge odds in Blue Maryland, and had a faux third party supposedly conservative candidate in the race, and Dan lost. This video shows what we missed. The video has garnered...

I don't know if there's a connection. It might just be coincidence. Did Obama really say "I'm not a dictator" or is today trolling gone wild day?— Legal Insurrection (@LegInsurrection) March 1, 2013 @leginsurrection Yep. He sure did.…— Heather Hampton (@6LambsMom) March 1, 2013 @leginsurrection He really did....

You don't get more "progressive" than the Political Animal column at Washington Monthly, which has seen such luminaries as Steve Benen (now Rachel Maddow's blogger) grace its pages. In a column yesterday, Samuel Knight took Elizabeth Warren to task for voting in favor of corporate banker...

Andrew Breitbart's mother died last night, In Memoriam: Arlene Mae Breitbart, 1925-2013. One year ago today, at 9:35 a.m., I posted the news which had just begun spreading throughout the blogosphere: Andrew Breitbart dead Very sad news to report, just breaking.  Andrew Breitbart is dead. Via Big Journalism: Andrew passed...