NY Post photo of subway death incites phony outrage …
... from news media who would kill for a story...
... from news media who would kill for a story...
Interesting post at an interesting blog run by Yaacov Lozowick for the Israeli State Archives, What's a Proportional Response? Here's a fascinating document from December 13th 1955, in which the Ministers' Committee for Security and Foreign Affairs discussed a clash which had taken place two nights...
Short answer, Yes. But please keep reading, anyway. I have pointed out many times that we should not be fooled into siding with large corporations just because the left claims to hate them. The enemy of our enemy is not always our friend. We saw that in...
From Katja, the first of two: Dear Professor Jacobson, I hope you enjoy these bumper sticker photos. The first one ("It takes a village") was taken in a church parking lot in Post Falls, Idaho, the first time my family and I were ever anywhere near this area. Being...
.... maybe ever: "He's a nice guy, but he's in over his head."...
Today seems like a slow fiscal cliff news day, after the drama of the past couple of days. The only news seems to be that Obama is digging in on marginal tax rates: President Obama on Tuesday rejected a GOP offer for avoiding the so-called fiscal cliff and...
Did you hear the one about Elizabeth Warren on the banking committee? It is the big scoop today at HuffPo: Nearly two years after Wall Street waged a successful campaign to keep consumer advocate Elizabeth Warren from running the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, the incoming senator will...
Update -- Charities' pain is the nanny state's gain...
I have been pretty harsh on liberal blogger Allison Kilkenny in the past for her playing the Nork Card on John Bolton and the "sexy" card on Sarah Palin, her hysteria over Catholic charities, and her misfire on Bill Sparkman. She was a big cheerleader for...
I am responding to Professor Jacobson's recent post, The Tea Party tsunami at the gates. As the Media Director of SoCal Tax Revolt Coalition (SCTRC), San Diego's original Tea Party group, I wanted to share my analysis that it won't be a tsunami -- it will...
Note: You may reprint this cartoon provided you link back to this source. To see more Legal Insurrection Branco cartoons, click here. Branco’s page is Cartoonist A.F.Branco ...
Well, at least it's not 10 years from this afternoon. Yet. Spotted in Ithaca: ...
Remember when ABC obtained a police station surveillance tape which supposedly showed no injuries to George Zimmerman, thereby allegedly disproving his claim that he was being beaten when he shot Trayvon Martin? The Martin family lawyer along with plenty of left-wing blogs (including a once-famous photo...
From Gabriella Hoffman, the daughter of Soviet immigrants, two gems. If they could laugh in the face of Soviet Russia ...
Via The Hill (h/t Drudge): House Republican leaders have made a counteroffer to President Obama in the fiscal cliff negotiations, proposing to cut $2.2 trillion with a combination of spending cuts, entitlement reforms and $800 billion in new tax revenue. The leaders delivered the offer to the...
What does this solve? Via ABC News: Republicans are seriously considering a Doomsday Plan if fiscal cliff talks collapse entirely. It’s quite simple: House Republicans would allow a vote on extending the Bush middle class tax cuts (the bill passed in August by the Senate) and...
It has been much discussed since the beginning of the uprising. There have been reports of suspicious activity at chemical weapons sites, but who knows what it real and not real. One thing is for sure, chemical weapons cannot save Assad. The second he uses chemical weapons...
Suffering through the top story in the arts section of yesterday’s Los Angeles Times, I thought of Andrew Breitbart, whom I knew a bit—enough to have had several conversations about how insidiously destructive the mainstream media are to American ideals. Breitbart’s passion and mission in life...
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