There is something pathological in Elizabeth Warren’s refusal to acklowledge that she is not Native American.
When confronted with the fact that real Cherokees have traced her maternal lineage back to the great-great-great grandparent level and found no Native American ancestry, Warren ignores the facts and plays victim:
On the phone, she spoke sometimes expansively and without the slightest hint of apology about her conviction that she has maternal roots from the Cherokee and Delaware tribes. “I know who I am,’’ Warren said. “I know my heritage.’’ …“As kids, my brothers and I knew about that. We knew about the differences between our two families. And we knew how important my mother’s heritage was to her. This was real in my life. I can’t deny my heritage. I can’t and I won’t. That would be denying who my mother was, who my family was, how we lived, and I won’t do it.’’Asked what made her mother’s family distinctly Native American, Warren laughed and replied, “It was exactly what I said.’’ Asked again, she responded, “One side was Cherokee and the other side was Delaware. I never had any reason to doubt them. I never asked for any documentation. It’s who we were.’’
But it’s not who they were or who she is. The self-righteous refusal to accept evidence of her heritage is tied to her denial that she used the fake heritage for her professional benefit.
There’s a reason Warren put herself on the list of “Minority Law Teachers” in the mid-1990s, and it was not to meet other Native Americans as she first claimed. There’s a reason she reported herself as Native American both to U. Penn. and Harvard Law Schools. And there’s a reason Warren denied each of the above facts until reporters and bloggers uncovered evidence which contradicted her.
The fake Cherokee narrative is just one of Warren’s many self-aggrandizing narratives. Warren claimed to be the first nursing mother to take the New Jersey Bar exam, another completely unverifiable claim. Yet as Jonathan Turley points out, it’s not only bizarre but also false, as another law school professor has told him from her own experience.
Then there’s the claim that Warren’s grandmother “drove a wagon in the land rush to settle territory out west. It was 1889, she was 15 years old…She lived to be 94, to see her youngest grandchild–that’s me–graduate from college…”. Not true, Warren created a composite of grandmothers to create this story. [*]
It’s just one false personal narrative after another (and trust me, we’re not done).
Yet it does not stop there. The Boston Herald has uncovered that Warren was a real estate foreclosure speculator beginnin soon after she joined Harvard Law:
Elizabeth Warren, who has railed against predatory banks and heartless foreclosures, took part in about a dozen Oklahoma real estate deals that netted her and her family hefty profits through maneuvers such as “flipping” properties, records show.A Herald review has found that the Democratic U.S. Senate candidate rapidly bought and sold homes herself, loaned money at high interest rates to relatives and purchased foreclosed properties at bargain prices.
And as reader @SGLawrence points out, Warren did this real estate speculation using her interest free loan from Harvard Law.
Yet despite the mounting evidence that Warren is a self-aggrandizing phony, Massachusetts Democratic delegates at the convention today are being urged to keep Marisa DeFranco off the ballot, and Warren is playing along:
Elizabeth Warren gave her blessing to party zealots hoping to block her prospective rival in the Democratic primary, saying she won’t stop their frantic last-minute bid to keep immigration lawyer Marisa DeFranco off the ballot.In the waning hours before today’s state party convention in Springfield, Warren refused to condemn jittery Democrats scrambling to thwart DeFranco from grabbing the 15 percent of delegates she needs to win a spot on the ballot.“My job is to run, and that’s what I’m doing. I’m out there talking about the issues,” Warren said, just days after she and Gov. Deval Patrick stood side by side and waxed noble about the importance of allowing DeFranco her rightful shot to get on the ballot.
I interviewed Marisa DeFranco. DeFranco’s not a phony liberal like Warren, she’s a real liberal who takes offense to Warren pretending to be something other than white for diversity purposes.
The real liberal in the race may be kept off the ballot in favor of a self-aggrandizing fake Cherokee historic Bar-exam taking nursing mother foreclosure speculator. Welcome to Massachusetts.
Update: A reader wonders how long it will be before Warren claims to be part Jewish:
Native American Indians from western United States found to have genetic mutation typical of Ashkenazi Jews; connection may date back to time of Christopher Columbus.
[* This sentence was changed to clarify the inaccuray in Warren’s quote.]