April, 2012 | Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion
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April 2012

The conservative undergraduate bi-weekly newspaper on campus, The Cornell Review, has a new website where you can read the newspaper in a pretty cool viewer.  Kathleen is the Executive Editor.  Pretty soon they will integrate the Cornell Insider, the blog affiliate, into the website. The Cornell Review also...

and with all the mockery I have heaped on Obama and windmills, I could not have dreamed up this headline and story, Wind farms may have warming effect - research: Large wind farms might have a warming effect on the local climate, research in the United...

Today the Obama campaign unveiled "Forward," a seven-minute video highlighting his campaign strategy for the election: Similar to the 2008 concept, "Change," this one-word slogan captures a vague sense of movement without articulating a strategy, end, or principle. The movement this terms evokes is no more than...

It should be obvious to anyone who has attended almost any liberal arts college in the past 40 years that there is no War on Women on campuses.  Just the opposite is true; by almost all measures women have achieved numerical and political superiority on campus, yet...

Some things in a fairly active weekend: Why isn't the Mourdock campaign talking about Dick Lugar and Iran? Sarah for Mourdock I believe, I believe Newt a “RINO among Rhinos”? Obama got Osama, but lost the Middle East Mia B. Love: “We’re not about singling Americans out” The shot heard round the...

Benzion Netanyahu, the father of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, died yesterday: Born Benzion Mileikowsky in Warsaw, Poland, in 1910 and moving to Mandatory Palestine in 1920, Netanyahu was a devout follower of revisionist Zionist leader Zeev Jabotinsky, who advocated Jewish military strength and the establishment...

The Young Guns Network, and its YG Action Fund, were started by two former aides to House Majority Leader Eric Cantor. The Young Guns have infuriated supporters of Richard Mourdock in the Indiana Senate primary race, as well as many conservatives who had no stake in...

in November? Subject: "2012 NOBAMA, Term Limits, No Cap & Trade, No Amnesty" 29 April 2012 Virginia Beach Dear Prof, Seen on my way back from Church just moments ago. Could not agree more. Thanks for all of your hard work. Take good care, Sandy  ...

Dick Lugar has announced that his campaign will target cell phone users browsing the internet in zip codes where Richard Mourdock events are taking place. The targeted ads will repeat the misleading claim, already debunked by FactCheck.org, that Mourdock cheated on taxes.  This is yet another sign...

It's what I'm best at (19 years of schooling down the drain): Noted race relations expert Touré has thoughts on the racist mind based on a conversation he had with someone. In case you were wondering, the "isolated incidents of violence against whites by blacks, in which Trayvon Martin's name...

It was those damn meteoric expectations, and the failure of those around him, such as the Secret Service agents who visited prostitutes in Colombia, and soldiers in Afghanistan who killed civilians and burned Korans. And that damn Congress: Karl Lemberg, one of thousands who thronged a Berlin park...

My sense of the talk shows this morning (which I usually don't listen to but did today) is that the War on Women nonsense is completely dominating the current cycle and will for a long time. It's complete and total AxelPlouffe BS, but it's all the...

With Olympia Snowe retiring, this race seems particularly unpredictable with a strong third party showing from the former Governor, via The Hill: Democrats looking to replace retiring Sen. Olympia Snowe (R) in Maine have a delicate decision to make. If they back independent former Gov. Angus King,...

Dick Lugar's record on Iran (and Middle East policy in general) has not received as much attention as other Lugar failures, such as his vouching for Obama's foreign policy credentials just three weeks before the 2008 election. Lugar consistently has shown what generously could be characterized as wishful thinking about negotiations with the Iranian...

Elizabeth Warren isn't the only unlikely native. We all are. Spotted in Ithaca: ...

I value the input.  I'm sorry I can't respond to all the e-mails but I read them all. I particularly appreciate the proofreaders!  And the bumper sticker contributors rock! From reader Anne, on why Bill Nelson may be safe in Florida.: I read with interest your comments on...

The Battle of the English Language continues. There is an organized movement by the Applied Research Center, of which Rashad Robinson of Color of Change is a Board member, to ban the use of the term "illegal alien" as racist. What race is an illegal alient?  Let's not...