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Paul Ryan Tag

Starts at 9 p.m. Eastern. This is just an open thread for people to make their feelings known.  I’m not going to “live blog” it. But I may jump in with some thoughts as it goes along. And at the end, there will be an assessment. So have at...

Paul Ryan is expected to do well in the VP debate, essentially the reverse of what was expected for the presidential debate where Obama was favored going in. The expectations are high, I think too high: Ryan does, however, have a lot of non-debate debating experience dealing...

I haven't written much lately about the insurance sales organization doing business as a senior citizens advocacy group using the name AARP. You have AARP, among other corporate sell-outs, to thank for Obamacare, as I posted in 2009-2010: When Will AARP, Consumers Union and AMA Be Held To Account...

If you have been following the internets, you can see an anaphylactic reaction among supposed "fact checkers" over Paul Ryan's brilliantly effective speech last night. The section about the closing of a GM plant in Janesville during the Obama administration has been a particular area of attention...

Breathe a sigh of relief, the left is back to sifting for ways to attack Paul Ryan. It seems like they may have hit the bottom of the bucket, no doubt worried after the oppo ("cure for insomnia") file that was released revealed how little they...

You know it's going to happen. They'll claim she's being used as a prop. Then they'll try to dig up whatever dirt they can -- it won't be anything of substance, but it will be spread quickly. Then they'll hack her e-mail. A...

I was a guest Tuesday night on African-American Conservatives blog talk radio. Topics included the Ryan selection and a lot of other election related topics.  It was one-half hour of pure ...

I attended the Paul Ryan/Mitt Romney rally in Waukesha, WI, this past Sunday evening, where the crowd of nearly 10,000 mirrored other huge turnouts around the country. There was a group of about 15 protesters, organized by SEIU, Obama for America, and, lining the entrance...

A.F. Branco produced this cartoon last April for CDN, but it is amazingly appropriate right now. Democrats, not Paul Ryan, throw granny over the cliff by failing to act like adults in saving Medicare and Social Security. It's a fact just now being told in the media, and it is...

Ron Wyden has rolled out a Cory Booker-like hostage statement rejecting the notion that he and Paul Ryan cooperated in developing a solution to the looming Medicare collapse.  Via Roll Call, Ron Wyden Takes Issue With Mitt Romney Linking Him to Paul Ryan: At a Saturday...

Anne is at the Romney-Ryan rally in Waukesha.  She says the crowd is so large they had to move the rally from indoors to outdoors to accommodate all the people. We're still trying to confirm the crowd size estimate.  (Campaign says 10,000, which is similar to...

The Choice Election. That seems to be the consensus emerging about how the Ryan pick changes the race. Democrats claim to be ecstatic about it -- it seems to me they are trying much too hard to convince themselves and demoralize us.  There are few if any...

More motivated than ever. It might have been that way regardless of the Veep pick, but the immediate attempt by the mainstream media and liberal magazines and newspapers to Palinize Paul Ryan brought back bitter memories of the type which motivated me for the...

Whether the pick of Paul Ryan for Veep was a good pick or a bad pick or something in between is irrelevant at this point. Ryan was the pick. The left-wing writers and bloggers are all over it, portraying the pick as extremist and a cave to...