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Obama campaign Tag

I posted last night about how Obama's support among a core constituency, Jews in New York, has cracked. Support for Obama also is cracking among blacks in North Carolina: President Barack Obama is rapidly losing support among  African-American voters in North Carolina, a new poll out today from the...

STOP, don't finish the sentence. But he is having the time of his (post-presidential) life, via Politico and Drudge headline, Bill Clinton out of control on 2012: Clinton is not on Barack Obama’s campaign staff, is not a trusted adviser, does  not set Obama’s strategy. But Bill Clinton...

Have you noticed?  The NY Times seems to be getting an awful lot of inside information lately on how tough Obama has been in the war on terror and Iran. First it was the expansive story about drone warfare, and now about Stuxnet: From his first months...

Why now? Because Team Obama is proving itself to be too smart by half, and too incompetent by three-quarters. There is a way to do Bain, but I'm done giving that advice.  Rehashing old news, which already has been out for months, isn't going to do the...

Via Instapundit, Rutherford B. Hayes is back. Here's my new contribution: ...

No cell phones for you at Obama fundraisers. Via BuzzFeed Politics: In the latest attempt to crack down on potentially embarrassing digital leaks from presidential fundraisers, President Barack Obama's campaign has begun asking donors attending small fundraisers with the president to turn over their cell phones before...

The War on Women.  The Longest Football Spike Since The Great Depression. Slow jamming.  Julia.  Show me the money Gay marriage .  Inserting his own bio into the bios of other presidents. It's one shiny object after another. Does it ever stop with this guy? Hopefully recent polling becomes...

From The NY Times, Poll Sees Obama Gay Marriage Support Motivated by Politics: Most Americans suspect that President Obama was motivated by politics, not policy, when he declared his support for same-sex marriage, according to a new poll released on Monday, suggesting that the unplanned way...

or if he is just a true believer. I know the answer.  It's who he is. Unlike gay marriage, where he was willling to play the game, publicly taking positions based on what helped him with voters or donors, when it comes to class warfare as political...

While studiously avoiding and evading any investigation of Barack Obama's "youth" (i.e. the period prior to his running for President) or devoting resources to any of the many scandals (selling guns to Mexican drug lords, politicizing along racial lines the Justice Department, etc.) which would...

Headline of the Day, from Zeke Miller of BuzzFeed Politics, Gay Marriage Reversal Means Cash For Obama: When politically convenient in 2008 Obama was against gay marriage on religious and principled grounds; when less convenient in 2012 because he is in need of campaign cash and wants to divert the public...

I just want to get this straight. Everyone knew Obama supported gay marriage, but didn't say so when campaigning for president in 2008 and 2012 for political reasons. Everyone knew the "evolving" meme was BS, Obama was just waiting for the right moment, preferably after re-election. Everyone knew...

At the risk of beating a dead horse, I'm letting you know that the Obama campaign has unveiled yet another hashtag: #readytogo. Now they're just making it too easy. The campaign, which officially kicked off Saturday in Ohio, even got some some college students (a la 2008)...

In the days since the unveiling of the Obama campaign's cartoon Julia, critics on both the left and the right have laughed off the cradle-to-grave depiction of life with Big Brother handling everything for "its women": MSNBC's Willie Geist: "They did lob this up as a softball...