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Conservatives Tag

A growing number of people on the right have had it with Senator Mitt Romney (R-UT). Romney was the only Republican senator to vote against a recent measure to end mask mandates on public transportation. He also participated in a fundraising event for Rep. Liz Cheney of Wyoming, who's also not winning any popularity contests with Republican voters right now.

Democrats and their allies are trying to prevent Rep. Madison Cawthorn (R-NC) from running again and they're using January 6th as an excuse. This has been going on for weeks. It's ridiculous and outrageous. Vice President Kamala Harris promoted a bail fund for people arrested during the Black Lives Matter/Antifa riots of 2020. Is she also disqualified?

Brandon Straka, the New York City hairdresser, and former liberal turned Trump supporter, has been sentenced to three months of home confinement and three years probation for his role in the January 6th riot. Straka became a media sensation following the 2016 election when he posted a video to social media explaining his political conversion. He turned it into a national movement called the #WalkAway campaign.