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Wuhan Coronavirus Tag

Months ago, when the country shut down and you couldn't buy a roll of toilet paper anywhere, people began arming themselves at an increasing rate. Now that roving mobs of looters and rioters are preying on American cities, gun sales are reaching historic highs.

With the Wuhan coronavirus lockdown phasing out, countries across Europe are opening up for summer tourism. "The first day of June has seen lockdown restrictions eased in a number of European countries, with residents from Athens to Amsterdam flocking to museums and bars for the first time in months," German state broadcaster Deutsche Welle reported Monday.

Honestly, you cannot blame presumptive 2020 Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden for saying anything he wants because no one in the MSM will challenge him. Biden told community leaders in Wilmington, DE, that he called for a nationwide lockdown back in January because he knew we were facing a pandemic.

New York Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo is trying so hard to deflect blame away from him after so many elderly people died in nursing homes from the Wuhan coronavirus. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Administrator (CMS) Seema Verma said Cuomo cannot blame Trump for forcing nursing homes to take in coronavirus patients because it goes against federal guidelines.