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Virginia Tag

Last spring when the radical left was toppling historic statues around the country, a man named Chris Green was severely injured when a falling statue landed on his head in Virginia. Green suffered a coma and now has had to relearn to walk and eat. He lost sight in one eye, hearing in one ear, and saddest of all, can no longer remember the childhood of his own kids.

Virginia's Department of Education has release a new set of guidelines for schools that are designed to make life better for transgender students. Despite the fact that transgender students are a small minority, the new policies are going to change life for everyone, including doing away with some things lots of people enjoy.

Parent's group at Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology: "Fairfax County Public Schools has also broken the hearts of many deserving students by waging a crusade against Asian students at the school, first by proposing a random lottery and later by implementing the current race-balanced “holistic” admissions...

Loudon County in Virginia has become a hot spot in the ongoing battle over Critical Race Theory in public schools. One mother who attended a recent school board meeting to speak out against CRT is a woman named Xi Van Fleet. Van Fleet was a girl in China during Mao's Cultural Revolution, and she is warning that she sees history repeating itself.

Former Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe, who is now running for governor again for some reason, just gave America an excellent reminder that when it comes to big lies: some are accepted, and some are not. McAuliffe recently smeared his Republican opponent Glenn Youngkin for pushing the 'Big Lie' about the 2020 election. It is odd because McAuliffe still believes Al Gore won in 2000.

The University of Virginia announced this week that they will offer a new course on the Mueller investigation of Trump's non-existent collusion with Russia. Mueller will teach at least one class. This move is especially ironic when you recall Mueller's testimony before Congress. He seemed to know very little about the Mueller investigation.