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Unions Tag

A video published recently by the California Federation of Teachers and narrated by avowed-socialist Ed Asner gained attention because it showed "rich people" pissing on "poor people." But that is not the real vice of the video.  The video is full of substantive lies, as explained brilliantly...

For the top prize as the Worst-Run State. Via Yahoo Finance (h/t Danelle), California is the worst-run state, with Rhode Island just behind: 49. Rhode Island > Debt per capita: $9,018 (3rd highest) > Budget deficit: 13.4% (28th largest) > Unemployment: 11.3% (3rd highest) > Median household income: $53,636 (17th highest) >...

Just applying a little election year anti-Republican logic to the Black Friday union protests against Wal-Mart, which mostly were a fizzle. Via Lachlan Markay's Storify entry. It's hard keeping up with all the emerging social media tools; Storify is just another thing which, while probably useful, makes...

As noted the other day, Hostess is seeking lidquidation of its operations rather than trying to emerge out of bankruptcy as a going concern because it could not negotiate the union concessions it said it needed. But there may be a White Knight on the Horizon,...

Here we go again. Another group of Chicagoans is going on strike. And this time, it's not the teachers. The Chicago Symphony Orchestra musicians went on strike over the weekend to protest proposed three-year contract salary levels and an increase in the percent they pay of...

The Chicago Teachers Union strike continues Monday after a failure to resolve the strike, now into its second week with 350,000 children affected by the standoff. There had been some optimism that the union officials, who met Sunday afternoon, would vote in favor of the...

It appears the Chicago Teachers Union (CTU), which held a solidarity rally this Saturday afternoon, is facilitating a rejuvenation of the Wisconsin-style protest movement. The scene at Saturday's rally, held in anticipation of Sunday's yes-or-no vote on the latest negotiated agreement, seemed more like a...

The Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) has announced their strike will continue into Friday--despite an offer from Jesse Jackson to mediate--after CTU President Karen Lewis said she's "optimistic, but we're still hammering things out." At the heart of the standstill is accountability: merit pay, the evaluation process,...

I've been documenting the presence of the Chicago Teachers Union at non-education-related, radical protests over the past year. From Occupy to Anarchist, gay pride, and anti-NATO protests, the union deploys its members not on the basis of "for the children" but rather for political solidarity. On...

Just after the Chicago Teachers Union released a statement on its website declaring their intent to strike Monday morning, the union published a solidarity statement from feminist and honorary chair of the Democratic Socialists of America Gloria Steinem as the top item on their website. In...

James O'Keefe's Project Veritas has released a new video that exposes unions willing to dig holes and fill them in again against the backdrop of the farce that is Obama's "shovel-ready jobs" agenda. The video, "Legislators, Union Bosses Seek Funding for Digging Holes and Filling...

Obama gave a speech to the United Auto Workers laced with what Greg Sargeant described as "withering derision": A key line: “I keep on hearing these same folks talk about values all the time. You want to talk about values? Hard work: That’s a value. Looking...

Caterpillar has ruled out building a planned new plant in Illinois due to the negative business climate, via AP: "Please understand that even if your community had the right logistics for this project, Caterpillar's previously documented concerns about the business climate and overall fiscal health of...

Sore Loosiers Wisconsin had its Fleebaggers, the 14 state Senators who fled to Illinois to prevent a quorum on Wisconsin's collective bargaining law. Indiana Democratic House members have been boycotting the legislative session over Indiana's proposed right to work law unless they also get an unconstitutional referendum on the law: House...

So Obama is going to kill the Keystone XL pipeline from Canada, pending apparently another route being drawn up.  Which means that he has killed it dead, because any route is going to be met with objection and delay. Instead, let's build more of the bird...

The decision of the National Labor Relations Board to prevent Boeing from relocating some manufacturing to South Carolina was hailed as a necessary step to punish anti-union retaliation by the company. It all was a mere tool to give uthe machinists' union greater bargaining power, which it then used...

The recall effort against Scott Walker starts today, and Walker took a preemptive strike on Monday Night Football last night: This is the right message.  Unlike in Ohio where the collective bargaining reform bill lost in a referendum, in Wisconsin the benefits already are being felt. But...