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Trump Immigration Tag

It wasn't enough that #TheResistance shouted DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen out of a private DC restaurant in the summer of 2018. It wasn't enough that they made it personal by converging on her home, yelling chants and playing audio clips of immigrant children allegedly being separated from their families at the border. Now, as Nielsen prepares to make her exit from the Trump administration, a group comprised of some familiar high-profile Resistance faces have taken it a step further by urging a hiring boycott. And not just against Nielsen, but against any Trump officials involved in the so-called "child separation" immigration policy.

Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen resigned on Sunday after butting heads with President Donald Trump over policy and border control issues. He recently asked her "to close the ports of entry along the border and to stop accepting asylum seekers, which Ms. Nielsen found ineffective and inappropriate." Trump has chosen US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Commissioner Kevin McAleenan as acting DHS secretary, but will he have the toughness Trump desires in the role? Some officials told CNN that they don't consider McAleenan "an ideologue or fire breather" when it comes to immigration.

There they go again. The Democrat media just can't seem to help themselves when it comes to President Trump.  Too many this weekend jumped on a #FakeNews story that was debunked a year ago about Trump calling illegal aliens and asylum seekers "animals." Stacey wrote about Democrat and 2020 presidential hopeful Robert "Beto" O'Rourke's casual lie about Trump calling all illegal aliens "animals."  The president, of course, said no such thing and was clearly referring to the violent criminal gang MS-13.

Mark Morgan, President Barack Obama's Border Patrol chief, has come out again to speak about the the southern border. He said this morning the border crisis "is absolutely a national emergency." From Fox Business:
“It’s absolutely a national emergency,” he said during an interview with Maria Bartiromo on “Mornings with Maria, Opens a New Window. ” referring to the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcements' (ICE) release of hundreds of migrants detained at the U.S.-Mexico border because of overcrowding at detention facilities.

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) became the fourth Republican senator to voice his support on a resolution to block President Donald Trump's border wall emergency declaration. Paul wrote at that he "cannot support the use of emergency powers to get more funding." At a GOP event, Paul told the audience that he cannot "vote to give the president the power to spend money that hasn’t been appropriated by Congress."

The hysteria over Donald Trump's National Emergency Proclamation with regard to the Mexican border is peak stupid even by the standards of the times, in which almost everything Trump does is portrayed with cataclysmic predictions. This time around, it's not just the usual Democrat and media suspects, but also some Republican Senators who worry that Trump is setting a precedent for a future Democrat president to use the National Emergencies Act to spend money for climate change or other perceived liberal emergencies.

Opponents of President Trump's declaration of a national emergency are practically orgasmic over his statement during his press conference that "I didn't need to do this . . . . " That statement supposedly will be devastating in court as an admission that there is no actual emergency. But as with so many things #NeverTrump, the words are plucked out of a longer sentence and statement in which Trump makes the case for the declaration being necessary because a wall/fencing cannot wait given the crisis. The full statement, which I quote below, will be the one in front of a court, and an appeals court, and ultimately the Supreme Court.