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Trump Derangement Syndrome Tag

Someone, please tell President Joe Biden it's not true that if you repeat a lie enough, it becomes the truth. In his address on Thursday night, Biden once again took credit for the COVID vaccine and did not mention President Donald Trump's Operation Warp Speed. Biden also did not mention that his administration is working off contracts from Trump's administration.

Yet another report with many storylines about the Lincoln Project has hit the Internet. The most explosive part is the founders knowing about John Weaver's alleged predatory behavior much earlier than was previously reported. They soldiered on with him anyway, including offering him a partnership in a new media venture just before the 2020 election.

Over the last four years, countless anti-Trump stories in the news relied on anonymous sources. The term 'according to sources' has become a punchline, and people in media are the only ones who don't get the joke. They used this dishonest tactic to push the debunked Steele dossier, the Russia collusion lie, and more. Now they are doing the same thing with the Capitol story.

President Donald Trump pardoned former campaign chairman Paul Manafort on Christmas Eve after a court found him guilty of tax fraud, bank fraud, and concealing his foreign bank accounts. Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr. thought his case against Manafort could go forward. But the New York Court of Appeals, the state's highest court, put a stop to the case.

Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) is aghast that President Donald Trump's impeachment lawyers might her dangerous rhetoric to defend him in his impeachment trial. She claims she never "glorified or encouraged" any violence against Republicans or members of Trump's administration. Waters made the declaration on MSNBC. Do you know what she said on MSNBC in 2018? She wanted people to harass Republicans and Trump's administration.

The purge of anything and everyone even vaguely related to President Trump is taking yet another ominous turn. Two banks, Deutsche and Signature, severed ties with Trump ostensibly due to the Capitol events of January 6th, but apparently just having a pro-Trump internet business is enough to get one cancelled.

Virtually all of the late night 'entertainment' shows are now voices for the radical left. These shows used to exist for the enjoyment of all Americans, but now they parrot DNC talking points, demean traditional American beliefs, and mock anything to the right of Bernie Sanders. They really enjoyed bashing Trump nightly, but now that he is gone they're making up for it with other topics.