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Tim Scott Tag

Tuesday, federal authorities arrested a Georgia man for allegedly threatening the life of Republican South Carolina lawmaker, Sen. Tim Scott. According to local news reports, Jason Kenneth Bell was arrested for calling Sen. Scott's office almost a dozen times, threatening to kill him.

Democrats pride themselves on diversity and inclusiveness, so we might expect to see a united colors of Benneton ad in the Senate yearbook.  But we'd be wrong. According to the Washington Post, they have seen a report released by Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) that shows that the majority of Senate staffers are white and female. The Washington Post reports:
People working for Democratic senators are overwhelmingly white and mostly women, according to a first-of-its-kind report on diversity in some congressional offices.

I came across this CNN article that Labor Secretary nominee Andrew Puzder faced many hurdles before his Thursday confirmation hearing because four GOP senators decided to withhold their support. The fast food executive will face the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee on Thursday. These anonymous sources pointed their fingers at Sen. Lisa Murkowski (AK), Sen. Susan Collins (ME), Sem Johnny Isakson (GA), and Sen. Tim Scott (SC). Reading through the article, I saw that CNN only cited Sen. Collins. So I decided to actually do some journalism and reach out to the offices for confirmation on the material provided by the sources.

While Sen. Warren is wearing out her victim card, Sen. Tim Scott used his time on the Senate floor to read hate mail he received since voicing his support for newly minted AG Sessions. “If you sign up to be a black conservative, the chances are very high you will be attacked,” said Sen. Scott. “It comes with the territory, and I’ve had it for 20 years, two decades, but my friends and my staff, they’re not used to the level of animus that comes in from the liberal left that suggests that I somehow am not helpful to the cause of liberal America and therefore, I am not helpful to black America.”

As I mentioned earlier this week, I've been greatly encouraged that post-Dallas Shootings, there seems to be a collective denial of the usual gun control nonsense in favor of heartfelt conversations about race. Communities nation-wide aren't the only entities engaging with one another. Sen. Tim Scott gave a series of speeches on the Senate floor this week, detailing his personal encounters with institutional discrimination. His tone was not accusatory, but expository. His hope? To bring a better understanding of the reality many in this country face.

Marco Rubio may have received the third-most votes in Iowa this week, but he won big. The Iowa caucus was Monday.  Even as votes were being counted, news emerged confirming long-standing rumor that South Carolina Senator Tim Scott would endorse Rubio. Scott is the first African-American Senator from South Carolina since Reconstruction and his endorsement could swing the state.  According to the Washington Times:

Republican presidential hopeful Sen. Marco Rubio picked up several meaty endorsements over the past few days. Saturday, Townhall's Guy Benson reported South Carolina firebrand, Rep. Trey Gowdy, has endorsed Sen. Rubio.

Republican South Carolina senator Tim Scott appeared on CNN yesterday and was questioned by host Brianna Keilar for saying all lives matter. His response was brilliant. Josh Feldman of Mediaite has a partial transcript:
Sen. Tim Scott: If ‘All Lives Matter’ Really Offends You, That’s Your Problem Senator Tim Scott said tonight that if people are honestly offended by him or anyone else saying “all lives matter,” that’s their problem. On CNN tonight, Scott told Brianna Keilar, “If it causes offense to say that all lives matter, black lives, white lives, police officers… if that is somehow offensive to someone, that’s their issue, not mine.”

Amidst all the good news from election 2014, the victories of Tim Scott, South Carolina's Senator, and Mia Love, new Representative from Utah's 4th District, are especially noteworthy. There's no way to deny that their race becomes important, if only because Democrats have emphasized race so very much. Sadly, these usually-baseless accusations of Republican racism have become more frequent, not less, since the administration of Barack Obama. Scott and Love are living, breathing refutations of that rhetorical approach, and proof that conservative black candidates can win even in a place like Utah, which is one of the whitest areas in the US. Here's an example of Scott's approach to answering questions about his race and his conservative politics: The Democratic Party must be shaking in its shoes worrying that the black community might actually start listening to someone like Scott or Love.

Just breaking, via NY Times: 9:47 a.m. | Updated Gov. Nikki Haley of South Carolina has chosen Representative Tim Scott to replace Jim DeMint in the United States Senate, according to Republican officials. The move will make Mr. Scott the first black senator from the state...