Think Progress | Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion - Part 3
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The comments directed at the Koch brothers at left-wing blogs have been among the most vile I have seen anywhere on any topic.But this one by frequent commenter Marc22309, who has published over 1800 "letters" (what calls comments) certainly is among the most vile:It's interesting how...

A campaign by Think Progress to demonize and marginalize the Koch brothers has jumped the shark.No, I'm not referring to the cretin who posted a comment here calling me a "Koch whore."No, I'm not referring to the theft of David Koch's identity by a liberal blogger.No,...

Think Progress sent a videographer to the Tea Party Patriots Policy Summit, and tracked down Tim Pawlenty.  Think Progress surely thought it would get one of those ambush type interviews where the candidate says something he regrets, but in fact in this case Think Progress...

George Soros made his fortune by breaking the British pound and other manipulative currency trading, and became known as "The man who broke the Bank of England."  Yet this currency speculator who destroys for the sake of money is a hero of the left-wing because...

The attempts of the union protesters in Madison, Wisconsin, to compare themselves to Egyptian protesters is reaching comical proportions.Sure, we saw all the silly, and sometimes threatening, signs.But now Think Progress has a headline (also image right) accusing Gov. Scott Walker of deliberately cutting off...

As I reported last September, was formed by the NAACP, Think Progress, Media Matters and NewLeft Media to "monitor racism and other forms of extremism within the Tea Party movement."In fact, never really served a monitoring function; it merely served as another outlet...

Jennifer Rubin, formerly of Commentary and now blogging at The Washington Post, has discovered that Think Progress played the race card against the Koch brothers, who back libertarian and conservative causes, by claiming that the Koch brothers "are simply fulfilling their father's legacy" in opposing integration.Rubin...

The people who falsely and maliciously accused Sarah Palin of inciting Jared Loughner to murder now are criticizing Palin for using the term "blood libel."The term "blood libel" has it's origins in the accusation in Europe (and more modern times, in the Middle East) that...

Best headline of the day, via The Daily Mail in Britain:How America's elite hijacked a massacre to take revenge on Sarah PalinThe substance of the article makes points you have heard before regarding the murderous rampage by Jared Loughner:Rahm Emanuel, Mr Obama’s former chief of...

Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ) and over a dozen others were shot earlier this afternoon.  At last reports, she was in critical condition and in surgery.  The gunman is in custody but no details on his identity or motive have been released.The left-blogosphere already is blaming the...

Think Progress is a frequent focus here because it is one of the best/worst (depending on your perspective) manipulator of news in the interest of the Obama administration and Democrats.  Think Progress famously was caught creating a misleading anti-Tea Party video.In my experience, Think Progress...

Merry Christmas to my readers.  Enjoy the day while, once again, I defend the internet for you!Here are some thoughts for the day, in no particular order:Self-fulfilling prophecy.  Charles, we get it, the lame duck was not good, but your repeated columns about the "comeback kid"...

12-24-2010:  Welcome Matthew Yglesias readers.  I address Yglesias' defense of why he called Haley Barbour racist, and his attack on me, in an update below.  And I see that Ta-Nehisi Coates is defending Yglesias, so I'll address that too.-----------------------------------------------------1947 was the year in which the...

From the "How do they think this stuff up?" files comes the absolutely worst argument ever against TSA screening procedures at airports:All things considered, though, I’d still rather just put less emphasis on airport security. Actually preventing terrorist attacks is a valuable thing to do,...

I have documented how Glenn Greenwald peddles the most rank of dual loyalty charges against American Jewish supporters of Israel, by using the phrase "Israel-Firsters."  Now Greenwald is at it again, suggesting that soon-to-be Majority Leader Eric Cantor has pledged allegiance to Israel.  Greenwald's blog...

Why does Juan Williams negatively stereotype oppressed minorities?  Here's what he said about crime in the inner city:There is nothing more painful to me at this stage in my life than to walk down the street and hear footsteps and start thinking about robbery. Then...

J-Street is the supposed liberal alternative to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC).  J-Street has been accused -- including by me -- of being nothing more than a front group meant to undermine U.S. support for Israel by playing the "balance" card pushed by groups...