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Terrorism Tag

This weekend, I found myself in San Francisco International Airport for a long weekend in the Bay Area. After a pleasant weekend, and then a wait in an egregiously long line, I found myself in one of the famed full body scanners, the subject of...

Via Doug Garrett comes word that the TSA requested that international carriers ban airmail packages headed to the U.S. which weigh over one pound.  Garrett links to this report in the Japan Times:Japan Post Services Co. said it will stop accepting airmail packages bound for the...

Here we now call it Veterans Day, but in Britain it's still called Armistice Day, to commemorate the end of World War I.On this day we thank all those who have served and serve.  "Veterans Day" certainly conveys that we are honoring people, not an...

Not the Israelis, Jewish settlers, or American NeoCons.  No, fellow Arabs, via Israel National News, Arabs Stone Israel Ambulances Trying to Save Arab Boy (h/t):Jerusalem area Arabs once again have stoned two Israeli Magen David ambulances trying to help neighbors. This time, the medical rescue vehicles...

And once again, not here.  In Pakistan:At least 65 people were killed Friday afternoon in a suicide bombing at a mosque in northwestern Pakistan filled with worshipers, the latest major terrorist strike on houses of worship in the country.Pakistani television reported that militants also...

It's a good thing Israel eased the blockade of Gaza a few months ago, otherwise it might not have been able to take out Palestinian al-Qaeda operative Mohamed al-Nemnem, who died on November 3 when his car mysteriously exploded in Gaza, with him in it:The Israeli...

The organizers of the failed Gaza flotilla last June are at it again, planning a flotilla to Gaza next January.  At least this time they are honest that it has nothing to do with humanitarian efforts.As reported by The Associated Press:Pro-Palestinian groups plan to sail a flotilla of...

As of now, Iranian President Mahmood Ahmadinejad is scheduled to arrive in Lebanon on October 13, and to conduct a joint appearance with Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah on October 14.The situation is very tense and provocative.Ahmadinejad will go to South Lebanon as far south...

Again, not here.  In Afghanistan.  By the Taliban.As reported by Bill Roggio:The Taliban have murdered the head of Kunduz province, along with 14 other people, in a bombing today at a mosque in the neighboring province of Tahkar. The governor had been outspoken in his...

A post at Israel Matzav about a failed attempt at a university in South Africa to boycott Israel's Ben Gurion University reminded me that there has been a vicious war underway, albeit one fought mostly under the media radar.The Islamist-Leftist Anti-Israel Coalition, which brought you such...

September 1972.  Worth remembering.  I'll bet most of our children never heard of it, because we don't teach such things anymore.History and terrorism started with the election of George W. Bush and Dick Cheney.[youtube=][youtube=]--------------------------------------------Related Posts:It's al-Quds Day at WaPo (feat. George Bisharat) What Does The...

This is the latest in a series on the use of the race card for political gain:Usually, on Saturday nights I focus on the people who tear us apart by injecting race into politics, by manipulating our feelings, by seeking political gain from the worst...

I really hope my high school classmates don't plan to burn any Korans, or my name may be in a headline like this:Rush Limbaugh, Pastor Terry Jones Were High School ClassmatesTerry Jones, the Florida pastor threatening to burn a Koran tomorrow on the anniversary of...

I took yesterday off from blogging, and of course the big news broke that the Pastor in Florida was not going to set the world on fire (we think, not sure, he'll let us know for sure eventually) this Saturday by burning a load of...

Today is al-Quds Day, the day on which the anti-Israel rejectionist front hopes for the destruction of Israel and the liberation of Jerusalem.  On this day, Mahmood Ahmadinejad gave a speech in celebration of al-Quds Day declaring that "the Zionists are groups of hypocrite racists who have...

...Who's this guy saying nice things about Bush on our Iraq success bashing Bush over our economic failure?--------------------------------------------Related Posts:Obama's McChrystal Dilemma In One SentenceObama's Gulf Speech In One SentenceJewish History In One Sentence Follow me on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube...