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Terrorism Tag

Recently released, already calling on school children to hope for martyrdom. Some more background (h/t @MargieInTelAviv)[Note, I substituted the original NBC video for the YouTube version as a reader pointed out that the last frame of the YouTube video includes links to some offensive videos):

Via Jerusalem Post:  A would-be Palestinian suicide bomber freed by Israel in the prisoner swap for soldier Gilad Schalit told cheering schoolchildren in the Gaza Strip the day after her release on Wednesday she hoped they would follow her example. "I hope you will walk the same...

The initial phase of the prisoner exchange for the freedom of Gilad Shalit is completed.  This interview was broadcast on Egyptian TV, as described in The Jerusalem Post: Schalit, who seemed shocked and distressed, was asked a number of questions by an Egyptian reporter, including how...

As part of the deal to free Gilad Shalit, the butcher of Ramallah who participated in the disemboweling and mutilation of two Israeli soldiers who took a wrong turn on a road in the West Bank in October 2000 at the start of the 1st...

In many ways, it's worse than I originally thought, now that the names officially have been released. In addition to the planners of the Sbarro Pizza bombing, about which I blogged earlier, the releasees include the planners of many other high profile bombings, terrorist attacks which...

That's the question asked at the end of a long Jerusalem Post report on the negotiations leading to the swap of over 1000 Palestinian prisoners, many of whom were responsible for the most heinous terrorist attacks which killed hundreds of Israelis, for captured Israeli soldier...

An Israeli soldier who has been in prison in Gaza for 5 years without so much as a visit by the Red Cross. Apparently a deal has been reached for his release. The terms are not yet known, but the Israeli cabinet is voting on it tonight (Israel...

From David Dayen at Firedoglake: We’ll hear this was necessary because of Awlaki’s operational role, and his part played in the Fort Hood massacre and the Christmas Day bombing attempt.  In reality, many experts saw Awlaki as a public figurehead, a man who could speak in...

None of my friends or relatives were directly affected by the attacks on September 11, 2001. I was just starting the fourth grade in North Carolina and, while I knew my parents were clearly worried about something, I didn't really understand what they were talking...

The attacks on 9/11 separated the real heroes from the fake heroes. The Fake hero who comforted the grieving and raised a nation's spirits: The Fake hero who kept a city together: The Real Hero who walked barefoot over broken windows: It seems almost in bad taste to talk about dollars...

Paul Krugman has a shameful column today, shameful even by Krugman standards. Is it just me, or are the 9/11 commemorations oddly subdued? Actually, I don’t think it’s me, and it’s not really that odd. What happened after 9/11 — and I think even people on the right...

Memory is a strange thing. There are many things I remember about the attacks on 9/11/01:  The first announcement when I was at my desk in Providence that a "small plane" had hit the World Trade Center, the announcement of a second "small plane" and then...

Such as a "no fly zone" over all of northern Africa, spreading across the globe, because while we broke Muammar Gaddafi's army, we didn't fix the problem of tens of thousands of mobile surface-to-air missiles. As reported by the Christian Science Monitor: At newly discovered weapons-storage sites,...

I posted yesterday about a U.N. report finding that Israel's sea blockade of Gaza is legal under international law, that Israel had a right to board and search the vessels in the May 2010 Gaza flottila (organized by a Turkish Islamist group), and that the Israelis...

I had heard this before, but stumbling upon it this afternoon, I thought it worth reprinting because few people are aware of it. It's the sentencing of shoe bomber Richard Reid by U.S. District Court (Massachusetts) Judge William Young in January 2003, in full: Mr. Richard C....

When they say Boycott Divest and Sanction Israel, they don't really mean it.  Those are just code words for Destroy Israel. Below is a video of a demonstration in London as part of the BDS(D) movement, via @EliLake, who notes At the link is this image: And this video. ...