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Terrorism Tag

News just breaking, details to follow: According to initial reports, an Israeli tour bus was attacked at the Sarafovo International Airport in the Bulgarian vacation city of Bourgas. A Bulgarian website reported that there were multiple casualties in a bomb explosion. Army Radio reported that at least...

We have featured Pallywood here many times, the industry build on faux. From numerous instances of fauxtography to wildly exaggerated reports of massacres, this industry is devoted to building the narrative of perpetual Palestinian victimhood.  From the archives: Abid Katib – Palestinian Shoe Fauxtographer? (funny how those kids...

but in Israel. Via Times of Israel, IDF Staff Sergeant Netanel Moshiashvili was killed early Friday morning in a gunfight with a Palestinian infiltrator near the Israel-Gaza border. The terrorist group Islamic Jihad first confirmed its connection to the incident, but later denied it. The gunman had penetrated...

The NY Times has a lengthy article about how Obama personally is directing and approving targeted drone strikes with great frequency.  The article appears to be rich in cooperation from the administration, suggesting it is part of Obama's image making and part of the "He...

From The Guardian in Britain: Detailed leaks of operational information about the foiled underwear bomb plot are causing growing anger in the US intelligence community, with former agents blaming the Obama administration for undermining national security and compromising the British services, MI6 and MI5. The Guardian has...

Via The Times of Israel: Precisely 10 years ago Tuesday evening, a 25-year-old man walked up a short flight of stairs and crossed through the lobby of a modest hotel near the beach in Netanya, a city on Israel’s Mediterranean coast. It was the first night of...

I'll have more on this as the date approaches, but anti-Israel groups in Arab countries and the West are planning a "Global March on Jerusalem" on March 30, which will include a planned rush at Israel's borders. The Free Beacon has background, March Madness: The Iranian regime...

The thousands of rockets fired from Gaza randomly into Israeli towns and cities over the past several years into Israel have caused casualties and death, but these have been kept down by defensive Israeli actions such as warning sirens and bomb shelters. But the terror of living...

From NBC News: Deadly attacks on Iranian nuclear scientists are being carried out by an Iranian dissident group that is financed, trained and armed by Israel’s secret service, U.S. officials tell NBC News, confirming charges leveled by Iran’s leaders. The group, the People’s Mujahedin of Iran, has...

I'm beginning to like The Legal Insurrection Daily, which automatically pulls blog and news items based on my Twitter feed and those I follow on Twitter. The LI Daily pulls stories I sometimes have not noticed, like this one from the Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs,...

With the Republican primary taking up all the oxygen, other issues of importance have been flying under the radar. One such issue is our peace initiative in Afghanistan. The Obama administration has decided to engage Mullah Abdul Salam Zaeef as a conduit to the Taliban in...

We are approaching the 4th Anniversary of the assassination of Hezbollah terror mastermind Imad Mughniyeh in Syria, presumably by the Israelis although there has never been any public proof. Hezbollah has sought revenge, so far without success.  A major attack was just thwarted in Thailand: A foreign...

On Christmas Day 2009, Abdul Farouk Umar Abdulmutallab attempted to detonate exposives contained in his underwear on a flight arriving in Detroit.  Abdulmutallab unexpectedly pleaded guilty in November 2011. As reported by ABC News on December 26, 2009: The plot to blow up an American passenger jet over Detroit was organized...

The first American killed in the Afghan war, on November 25, 2001.  I've told his story before, but it is worth remembering every year. This interesting video by The Daily Caller recalls the group of special forces similar to Spann, who worked with Afhan warlord Abdul Rahdis...

First the good news, completely unconfirmed but great to speculate about: Is the Stuxnet computer malworm back on the warpath in Iran? Exhaustive investigations into the deadly explosion last Saturday, Nov. 12 of the Sejil-2 ballistic missile at the Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) Alghadir base point increasingly to...

Via Israel Matzav, a ballad about the failure of the Oslo Accords which created the Palestinian Authority and transplanted the PLO terrorist infrastructure from Tunisia to the West Bank and Gaza. Hang on to the end of the video, knowing that the call on the secure net...

This week in 1983 Iranian backed Shiites bombed the U.S. Marine barracks in Beirut, killing 299 Marines and French soldiers. The Marines had been sent as part of an international peacekeeping force in the wake of the Lebanese civil war.  Iranian-backed Shiites who later formed Hezbollah...