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Terrorism Tag

Anti-regime protests have reignited in Iran's capital Tehran and elsewhere in the country after the regime admitted shooting down a civilian Ukrainian airliner, killing all 176 Iranian and foreign passengers on board. The epicenter of the protests was Tehran's two main universities. Several Iranian university students were among those were killed in the incident.

Iran has admitted shooting down the civilian Ukrainian jetliner that crashed on Wednesday near Tehran, killing all of the 176 passengers on board. The Iranian admission comes amid mounting evidence, with U.S., British, and Canadian intelligence confirming that the plane was shot down by an Iranian surface-to-air missile. The Iranian military blamed the shooting of the airliner on 'human error,' Iranian state TV reported, citing an official statement. So far, Tehran had pinned the blame on mechanical fault for the downing of the Boeing 737-800.

The London Bridge attacker, who murdered at least two people on Friday, has been identified as an Islamic terrorist previously convicted of planning an Al Qaeda terror plot in London. The 28-yer-old terrorist of Pakistani origin, Usman Khan, was out on parole after serving less than seven years of his 16-year prison sentence for planning to blow up the  London Stock Exchange and U.S. embassy, among other targets. The convicted terrorist was wearing an electronic tag at the time of the attack, the UK news reports confirm.

Assistant Commissioner Neil Basu announced outside of Scotland Yard that authorities have declared the stabbing attack on London bridge a "terrorist incident." The Guardian published his press conference:
I can confirm that at approximately 2pm today Friday the 29th of November. Police were call to a stabbing at a premises near to London Bridge EC1. Emergency services attended including officers from the City of London police and the Metropolitan Police.

The Iranian regime is using snipers and helicopter gunships to quell anti-regime protests, the media reports disclosed. People witnessed pro-regime sharpshooters firing at unarmed demonstrators, German newspaper Bild reported. "Verified video footage show snipers shooting at people from rooftops," the newspaper confirmed. "In at least one instance, a helicopter had been used for the shooting."

In a surprise move, India has scrapped special constitutional status granted to the Muslim-majority Kashmir region. Prime Minister Narendra Modi's Hindu nationalist government issued a presidential order on Monday revoking decades-old legislative provisions granting autonomy to the northern Indian state formally known as Jammu and Kashmir. The move has been accompanied by a massive military build up. Ahead of the announcement, New Delhi dispatched 10,000 troops to the region, adding to estimated 210,000 army and para-military soldiers already deployed there.

Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the alleged man behind 9/11, said he might help the victims' lawsuit if the federal government does not seek the death penalty. From The Wall Street Journal:
Mr. Mohammed’s offer was disclosed in a Friday filing in the victims’ federal lawsuit in New York, which accuses the Saudi government of helping coordinate the 2001 suicide attacks that claimed nearly 3,000 lives when terrorists crashed hijacked airliners into the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and, after passengers resisted, a Pennsylvania field. Riyadh has denied complicity in the attacks.