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Meet a phony Rand Paul supporter who showed up at a rally carrying a Rand Paul sign and prepared to make racist statements.As reported by Dave Weigel:...
Meet a phony Rand Paul supporter who showed up at a rally carrying a Rand Paul sign and prepared to make racist statements.As reported by Dave Weigel:...
Dave Weigel was the first Journolista to fall in the recent Daily Caller series. Weigel was fired from his blog at The Washington Post (resignation accepted) after emails in which he bad-mouthed conservatives were revealed. Weigel ended up at, owned by WaPo.Weigel either...
According to The Guardian, neo-Nazi groups are on the rise in Mongolia in reaction to increased domination by ethnic Chinese: Dayar Mongol threatened to shave the heads of women who sleep with Chinese men. Three years ago, the leader of Blue Mongol was convicted of...
There are "elements" within the Democratic Party.Frightening elements.Don't talk to me about context. Or try to explain that the words do not mean what they appear to mean.These were hateful words which must be taken in isolation and then attributed to all Democrats, because that...
Now that the left-wing blogosphere and Democratic media operatives Media Matters and Think Progress have found the Religion of Context when it comes to Shirley Sherrod ...
Such is now demanded by the NAACP in the Shirley Sherrod matter.You remember her. She's the Department of Agriculture person who, at an NAACP meeting in March, told a story about how 20 plus years ago she had discriminated against a white farmer because he...
This is the latest in a series on the use of the race card for political gain:I have a dream.That the week will arrive when the race card will not have been played. And I will have nothing about which to write on a Saturday...
It must be scary to be who they are.One day, we are totalitarian control freaks who want to post police at every ice cream shop to check for papers.The next day, we are pseudo-anarchists who want no government at all.Today, apparently, we are anarchists in...
The Washington Post, among other mainstream media outlets, relentlessly stokes claims that Tea Partiers are racist.Eugene Robinson accuses almost everyone who opposes the Obama agenda -- but particularly those active in the Tea Party movement -- of being motivated by racism and prone to violence.Jonathan...
The core of Democratic Party political strategy is falling apart. As reported by The New York Times, Black Hopefuls Pick This Year in G.O.P. Races:Among the many reverberations of President Obama’s election, here is one he probably never anticipated: at least 32 African-Americans are running...
For two years, opponents of Obama's agenda have been painted by the mainstream media, left-wing blogs and Democratic leadership as racist and extremist white supremacists.The charges are malicious and false, as documented here dozens of times.So what happens when there is a real white supremacist,...
New Year, same plans to crash Tea Parties in order to create a pretext for the non-stop Democratic smear machine which seeks to paint all opposition to Obama's agenda as racist and extremist.We saw this last April, as I documented in my post When Fascism...
in the Democratic party, mainstream media and nutroots who insist that everyone who opposes Obama's agenda is an extremist, and that the Tea Parties are the extreme of the extreme:Gallup - Tea Partiers Are Fairly Mainstream in Their DemographicsThe Hill - Four in 10 Tea...
This is the latest in a series on the use of the race card for political gain:As those of you who follow this blog know, almost every Saturday I highlight the use of the race card for political purposes.The use of the race card for...
AOL News followed the March 13 Coffee Parties, and here is what it found:AOL News had correspondents at four of the gatherings -- in Bethalto, Ill. (a village near the Missouri border), the college town of Corvallis, Ore., Omaha, Neb., and Orlando, Fla. Their reports...
There have been numerous allegations that a "Tea Party" candidate is running a false-flag operation in Nevada to get Harry Reid reelected. Here's a CNN report:Some are accusing Jon Scott Ashjian, a new Tea Party candidate running for U.S. Senate, of being a fake. The...
via Electra at Livewyer-------------------------------------------- Related Posts:Coffee Party ParasitesCappuccino Party Follow me on Twitter and Facebook ...
Despite their worst intentions, the people who try to tie every act of violence to the Tea Party movement are going to have trouble spinning the Pentagon shooting by J. Patrick Bedell.It has become pretty clear pretty quickly that Bedell sufferred from Bush Derangement Syndrome,...
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