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Taxes Tag

I was at a party last night when a total stranger struck up a conversation with me. He didn't know who I was, or that I had a blog. The crowd was mixed (by political persuasion), so there was no reason for this person to...

The full set of comparisons and calculations in hundred dollar bill stacks are here. Keep your eye on the little guy (in this picture) in the lower left, as you work your way up to one trillion dollars:(h/t Mr. Mike)...

I think the British paper The Times of London has it right, in its article, "Barack Obama bets the farm in $4 trillion poker game."One of the most seductive elements of Barack Obama's ascent to the White House was his unshakeable conviction that he was...

Obama's fear mongering is well documented. Crisis, catastrophe, "since the Great Depression" and similar terminology are part of the plan to push through Obama's agenda. But do the words cause economic harm, or are the words merely a reflection of a declining economy? In other...

What is it with this President? Obama has an obsessive need to find enemies against whom to campaign. When Obama's presidency is over, hopefully in four years (but likely eight years) there will be two sets of psychologists: Those who provide therapy to the American...

Second time this week, I'm in agreement with a NY Times columnist, at least on the language I quote if not the overarching Obama-maniacal subtext. First, it was Maureen Dowd writing on the cowardice of Eric Holder. Now David Brooks, warning that the administration's economic...

(Thanks for sending me this, Patricia!)...

The beginning of a protest movement against Barack Obama's redistributive policies is underway. Though still small, every movement starts somewhere. While called the "Tea Party" after the Boston Tea Party, this movement is similar to movements throughout history where the producers of society refuse to...

This must be some sort of plot to undermine Republican opposition to Obama's stimulus plan. Online marketers of "free government money" get-rich-quick schemes now are targeting Republicans:Where did I find this? Through a Google Ad over at Finkelblog. Seems like Mark's audience must have been...

The day before the presidential election, when Barack Obama's victory seemed all but certain, I predicted that I would be able to say "I told you so" about what lay ahead:When this bubble bursts, I will be able to say "I told you so." Unfortunately,...

Democratic Senator Predicts None of His Colleagues 'Will Have the Chance' to Read Final Stimulus Bill Before VoteEt tu, Senators Collins, Snowe and Specter?...

We are witnessing the disrobing of the Obama aura in a spending-drenched feeding frenzy befitting hungry pigs at a wet, putrid trough. The fierce urgency of now has become the fierce urgency of sow.Camille Paglia sums up these first three weeks of the Obama era:Money...

The Democratic "stimulus" plan is packed full of all sorts of goodies. Just today, everyone is finding out that someone slipped in a provision to anoint a national health czar. Senator Arlen Specter, one of just three Republicans to support the bill, expressed surprise upon...

At his press conference last night, Barack Obama singled out Elkhart, Indiana, as a place of special gloom and doom:I took a trip to Elkhart, Indiana, today. Elkhart is a place that has lost jobs faster than anywhere else in America. In one year, the...

Barack Obama held his first press conference as President tonight. With the "stimulus" plans on the table at the House and Senate, the press had an opportunity to show that it no longer was slobbering over Obama. The press failed. Not a single reporter challenged...

As an early teen, I was fascinated with Abbie Hoffman's "Steal This Book." The book, by the 60's radical Yippie, was a guide to using the capitalist system to destroy the capitalist system. Hoffman gave advice on how to cheat various institutions, such as the...

I tried sending an e-mail to Senator Susan Collins, but her e-mail box is overflowing. I received the following error message:Delivery has failed to these recipients or distribution lists:[email protected] The recipient's mailbox is full and can't accept messages now. Microsoft Exchange will not try to...