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Taxes Tag

It would be very easy to fall into a depression over Arlen Specter switching political parties, giving Democrats a likely filibuster-proof Senate majority. The result will be that Obama will be able to push through much of his agenda without meaningful debate.Not that I will...

I attended the Tea Party in Corning, NY, yesterday. There was a good crowd in this relatively small town in western upstate NY (several hours from NY City), several hundred in total. Corning is home to Corning glass and Steuben glass. The entire region has...

The financial crisis seems hard to understand. How did we go from a robust economy to "the worst economy since the Great Depression"? (h/t Barry O)There are 27 visualizations which make things easier to understand. I like this one in particular (click on picture to...

Note: This is a cross-post with Gay Patriot. I ask the question, they give the answer.---------------------------------------------------There is a peculiar, somewhat uniquely, Jewish phenomenon. It's called worrying about what is "bad for the Jews." Many have noted this phenomenon before, so I don't claim originality here.Groups...

Note: Cuomo's Press Release and The Indictment Are Posted BelowThis story is just breaking. Hank Morris, a top confidant of U.S. Senator Charles Schumer, has been indicted for pension fraud for using political connections to steer N.Y. State Pension Fund business for a fee:A political...

Oh boy, has this administration become unhinged in its efforts to force through Obama's "bet the farm" economic plans.Rahm Emanuel runs anti-opposition campaigns from inside the White House against Rush Limbaugh to take down the leading opponent of Obama's economic plans. The White House coordinates...

I am so proud. My home State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations is tops in home mortgage fraud, according to a study just released: Rhode Island has displaced Florida as the state leading the nation in mortgage fraud, according to a report made public...

Professor Glenn Reynolds, of Instapundit fame but writing for Forbes, focuses on changing the way we view and treat "old" age as one of the keys to solving the social security problem:But even much more modest progress--extending healthy middle age from 60 to, say, 80--would...

I was at a party last night when a total stranger struck up a conversation with me. He didn't know who I was, or that I had a blog. The crowd was mixed (by political persuasion), so there was no reason for this person to...

The full set of comparisons and calculations in hundred dollar bill stacks are here. Keep your eye on the little guy (in this picture) in the lower left, as you work your way up to one trillion dollars:(h/t Mr. Mike)...

I think the British paper The Times of London has it right, in its article, "Barack Obama bets the farm in $4 trillion poker game."One of the most seductive elements of Barack Obama's ascent to the White House was his unshakeable conviction that he was...

Obama's fear mongering is well documented. Crisis, catastrophe, "since the Great Depression" and similar terminology are part of the plan to push through Obama's agenda. But do the words cause economic harm, or are the words merely a reflection of a declining economy? In other...

What is it with this President? Obama has an obsessive need to find enemies against whom to campaign. When Obama's presidency is over, hopefully in four years (but likely eight years) there will be two sets of psychologists: Those who provide therapy to the American...

Second time this week, I'm in agreement with a NY Times columnist, at least on the language I quote if not the overarching Obama-maniacal subtext. First, it was Maureen Dowd writing on the cowardice of Eric Holder. Now David Brooks, warning that the administration's economic...

(Thanks for sending me this, Patricia!)...