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Taxes Tag

Chris Christie on the Today Show this morning: New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, one of Mitt Romney's most popular and visible surrogates, said Wednesday the Republican presidential candidate and former Massachusetts governor should release his tax returns as soon as they're available. "I would say if you...

I saw this coming from a mile away. Mitt Romney's original position that he would not release his income tax returns, a position he held to for several weeks, now is slipping. At the debate last night Romney gave a convoluted answer that he "probably" would release...

No one could have seen this coming. Romney Tax Returns Become a Problem Mitt Romney, a multimillionaire who is by far the wealthiest of the Republican presidential candidates, said he has no plans to release his income tax returns if he wins his party’s nomination, setting himself...

The second Mitt Romney announced he would not release his income tax returns if he becomes nominee I predicted it would not stand because the refusal would, at a minimum, create a major distraction.  It's part of a larger problem with secrecy which will haunt Romney if...

Bob Woodward had a lengthy article yesterday in The Washington Post, In his debut in Washington’s power struggles, Gingrich threw a bomb. The article concerns Newt's refusal as Republican Whip to go along with George H.W. Bush's 1990 deal with Democrats to raise taxes. The deal, which breached Bush's "read...

We keep hearing about how we should not nominate a candidate who is not disciplined and will create needless general election distractions . This certainly will be a major distraction, Romney Says He Won’t Release Tax Returns: “I doubt it,” Mr. Romney said, according to a transcript...

The tease on the homepage of The Hill for an article about Obama's Christmas vacation dilemma reads: The tax fight could force Obama to spend the holidays in an empty White House listening to Elvis’s “Blue Christmas.”… The second I read that a scene from a movie came...

Of course, there always will be a top 1%, so those in the Occupy Wall Street movement who want to demonize the top 1% always will have a cause. But the numbers of millionaires who could be taxed to feed the demands of the proletariat is down in...

The anti-1% street agitation is the fulfillment of a process we have seen unfold since Obama's 2008 campaign, a process by which a group of various definitions of wealth is isolated and targeted for demagoguery. It was the Top 5%, then the Top 2%, now it's...

The silent majority. The ones who pay the bills, and the taxes, and the tuitions, and the pensions, and the benefits, for the people who falsely claim to be the 99%. The ones who did not graduate from the school of perpetual expectations and handouts. The ones who...

You may remember that stopped doing business through "affiliates" (websites and blogs) in California, after the state passed a law requiring companies like Amazon to collect state sales taxes on purchases made through California affiliates. Amazon has settled with California and will resume its relationships, but it...

As Kathleen posted earlier, Warren Buffett is backing away from the so-called Buffett Rule, which apparently is not so much a Rule as a stream of consciousness sprinkled with thoughts and afterthoughts. The best thing about the Buffett Rule Non-Rule What Are You Talking About, is...

when the rule named after you isn't what you want: Warren Buffett backs out of Obama's Buffett Rule on CNBC.  ...

At a recent Obama campaign event masquerading as a town hall, an ex-Google executive begged Obama to raise his taxes, to which Obama responded with an Elizabeth Warren-like argument: It turns out the guy was a plant by a group called the Patriotic Millionaires for Fiscal Strength,...

Five days ago Obama unveiled a "jobs plan" which included tax hikes of $467 billion, $400 billion of which were on individuals making $200,000 (and couples making $250,000). Tomorrow Obama will unveil a "deficit reduction plan" which will include $1.5 trillion in new taxes including an extra tax...

This seems like pretty good advice to the GOP, although the pathetic political ploy needs to be called for what it is (as I did last night): Update:  Time for an invervention, Obama’s on a tax hike bender...