"enhance your analytical and statistical skills while exploring topics in social justice"...
“inherently Eurocentric, male-centric, Christian-centric, heterosexual-centric”...
"will cover four years of tuition for one student"...
"in-state students $490, while out-of-state students would need to pay $1,523"...
"now accepting applications for the 2018-2019 academic year"...
"participate in real-world learning in the field"...
“assist with social justice and leadership education programs"...
“This historic workshop is aimed at training the next generation of athletes"...
“Eco-Social Justice Leadership Certificate Program”...
"despite a petition signed by hundreds of students"...
...This school year, students are ditching anonymity and standing up to RAR in public—and almost all of them are freshmen of color. The turning point was the derailment of the Hum lecture on August 28, the first day of classes. As the Humanities 110 program chair, Elizabeth Drumm, introduced a panel presentation, three RAR leaders took to the stage and ignored her objections. Drumm canceled the lecture—a first since the boycott. Using a panelist’s microphone, a leader told the freshmen, “[Our] work is just as important as the work of the faculty, so we were going to introduce ourselves as well.”
"Students will also promote the school’s Inclusive Language Campaign"...
"Social Justice Education Facilitator"...
“Merely allowing protest is not enough”...
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