Rolling Stone Magazine Whines About the ‘Far Right’ Campaign Against DEI Policies
"DEI has taken a new place of prominence after being scapegoated for two incidents that made headlines in early 2024"...
"DEI has taken a new place of prominence after being scapegoated for two incidents that made headlines in early 2024"...
"57% of 322 U.S. execs surveyed in November 2023 by the employment law firm Littler said their organizations have expanded their DEI programs over the past year"...
“The January edition of the monthly newsletter from the Johns Hopkins Medicine Office of Diversity, Inclusion and Health Equity used language that contradicts the values of Johns Hopkins as an institution”...
“Most employees working on DEI are not solely dedicated to DEI efforts but do so in addition to their other roles and responsibilities.”...
Woke activists are finally experiencing much needed accountability due to the action of outside forces....
"Allegations like Hoffman’s and other concerns about DEI efforts are prompting action from state lawmakers."...
“We want to give students the tools to figure out what the story is and then to report how it impacts our communities.”...
"The Penn statue and Slate Roof house model will be removed and not reinstalled."...
"DEI cannot survive in competitive environments where outcomes truly matter"...
"Our national discourse about universities tends to be focused narrowly on the Ivies, which are not representative. But even if we keep the focus there, the idea that universities are hotbeds of left-wing lunatics is just wrong."...
“I plan on watching UMass Boston’s website to ensure open faculty positions don’t again start requiring DEI commitments”...
"One question sure to reach the High Court is whether these programs are illegal."...
"Calling Jews 'white' was a way of depriving them of any cover as a racial minority and classifying them with persecutors and exploiters."...
“The FCC is dishonestly claiming that it is promoting equity and fairness. However, the FCC is just seizing control over business decisions, funneling resources to politically preferred constituencies.”...
"Emails obtained from several former Bates College professors show just how limited faculty freedoms are."...
"Office of Campus and Community Belonging"...
"The tool kit is an exhaustive, some might say exhausting, compilation of everything related to pushing the narrative of systemic and structural racism as the source of disparities"...
“You’re being condescending. If you want to continue, I’ll have port authority to escort you out the building right this moment if you want to play that game with me."...
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