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Science Tag

Our tax dollars at work! The Department of Defense admitted to The New York Post that officials still investigate any reports on UFOs:
In a statement provided exclusively to The Post, a Department of Defense spokesman said a secret government initiative called the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program [AATIP] “did pursue research and investigation into unidentified aerial phenomena.”

There are two types of science practiced today: Real science and politicized science. Netflix has come under fire for allegedly trying to palm off fake information about walrus deaths as serious proof of climate change.
Netflix’s acclaimed Our Planet series has come under fire for “tragedy porn” over images of walruses falling to their deaths from cliff tops, allegedly because of climate change.

For so long we have wondered what a black hole looks like with only images from scientists on how a black hole may appear. On Wednesday morning, astronomers released the first ever picture of a black hole in space.

Once upon a time, stories of polar bears starving to death were regular features of environmental and science "reporting." The fuzzy fur-balls of ferocity were the beloved icons for the crusade against global warming. However, they have been seemingly absent from recent "climate change" discussions.  Could this be due to rapidly increasing number of polar bears, a fact which counters all the doom-and-gloom assertions made by supposed experts?

The last time reported on celebrity astrophysicist and author Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson, he was opining about a Truth Force . . . "one that defends against all enemies of accurate information, both foreign & domestic." Now, the scientist is being visited by a special type of "truth force," as investigators look into several allegations that he sexually abused colleagues and associates. Additionally, work on his show has been halted in the wake of this news.

When I read Michael Crichton's famous Jurassic Park in the 1990's, I knew enough about the approach to sense that cloning could be used to bring back extinct animals. It appears that Crichton's novel was indeed prophetic, as scientists are attempting to extract cells from the mummy of a 40,000-year-old foal from Siberia in an attempt to use the sample to clone the extinct species back into existence.