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Sarah Palin Tag

I alluded earlier today, in passing, to the idiocy of the left-wing blogs and some mainstream media outlets in making a big deal out of Sarah Palin's obvious slip of the tongue -- corrected seconds later -- in referring to North Korea instead of South Korea. ...

I was too busy voting for her to watch the performance.  I really want Bristol to win, so that Sally Quinn has a full blown conniption:My favorite story is that of 67-year-old Steven Cowan who couldn't stand it another minute and blasted his TV with...

One of my theories is that the best chance to defeat Obama in 2012 is to make the election about Obama, not about the Republican candidate.  The Obama record is so abysmal, and the Obama aura so shattered, that 2012 could be a repeat of...

I'll leave it to others to analyze the legal grounds for the TRO obtained by Sarah Palin and her publisher against the execrable people at Gawker.These are, after all, the same people who went after Meg Whitman's kids and bragged about it, who ran the "one-night stand" hit piece on...

I was a guest last Monday of Mark Finkelstein, who writes for NewsBusters, on his Ithaca-based television talk show, The Right Angle.We talked about Legal Insurrection, the elections, the vice-presidential and presidential candidates, and a lot about you know who.   The video is here.   Hopefully...

And I'm sure he hates it too.I agree with John Cole of Balloon-Juice about the Willow Palin Facebook brush fire, Count Me Out:Yes, Willow Palin said something stupid on her facebook page. Big deal. She’s sixteen, and most of the time when a sixteen year...

S.E. Cupp writing in The Daily News today, Sarah Palin's happiness is what really irks liberals:William A. Jacobson, writing at Legal Insurrection Blog, October 31, 2008, Why Do They Hate Sarah Palin So Much? She's Happy:--------------------------------------------Follow me on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube...

James Pethokoukis wrote an interesting article the other day, Why Wall Street Should Fear Sarah Palin.Palinomics, embryonic as it is, seems to be rooted in “free-market populism,” a version of conservative thinking that is pro-market rather than pro-business. It says the role of government is...

Frank Rich asks the question "Who Will Stand Up To The Superrich?"Rich never answers the question, he just complains (mostly about Republicans who self-fund campaigns, and Republican corporate interests, etc.)But Rich knows the answer.  And there isn't a Democrat in sight.  The One who might...

Good Bear:Bad Bear:--------------------------------------------Follow me on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube...

What kind of person posts a tweet like this?The same kind of person responsible for running (and still defending) the Christine O'Donnell "one night stand" story.  There is a sickness in our media, and Gawker is one of its primary homes.--------------------------------------------Related Posts:Feministe: O'Donnell Getting What She Deserves...

I was thinking of holding this one back for a special occasion, but I just couldn't wait.  If the world were to end tomorrow, I would not want you to perish without having seen this.Sent to me by a reader, this photo was taken in the...

I clicked through on a Dan Riehl tweet to his post about a column by Conor Friedersdorf at Forbes, about something or other.I don't know who Conor Friedersdorf is, but Riehl doesn't seem to like him, which is really surprising because Riehl likes just about...

The "nuts and sluts" defense is a common employment law tactic whenever a female employee brings a claim.  It doesn't matter what the claim is, the defense -- after the usual legal mumbo jumbo -- will be something like this:"She's nuts.  And by the way,...

I have written many times before about the Southern Poverty Law Center, an organization to which I contributed for many years back in the late 1970s and 1980s, when SPLC was fighting Klan groups.In the past two decades, however, after the Klan ceased to be a...

On September 3, I was interviewed by Stacey Simms of Charlotte's Morning News, 1110 WBT, about my blog post, CNN Distorts 60 Min./Vanity Fair Poll about Sarah Palin.The audio is here.--------------------------------------------Follow me on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube ...