Polling | Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion - Part 20
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What is wrong with this picture: We have the most liberal Congress and President ever, who are pushing an equally liberal agenda, yet the country is more conservative than in recent history.Gallup has released its 1992-2009 survey of political self-identification, and the result is that...

The headline in USA Today/Gallup's latest health care poll is that the public, by a 48-46% margin, is against or leaning against the current health care proposal:Forty-six percent of Americans say they would advise their member of Congress to vote for healthcare legislation (or lean...

Obama down 19 points in the Rasmussen strongly approve/strongly disapprove poll just released: H/t Moonbattery, which notes: The approval index stands at an astounding -28 among the independents who were temporarily duped into electing him.Obamunists did say that their messiah would unite us. At this...

Yesterday, Thomson Reuters issued a press release regarding the results of a poll which it says showed that 60% of Americans support a "public option."Needless to say, this poll is being used by supporters of a government-run plan to pressure Congress. SEIU even used the...