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Polling Tag

The latest Mason-Dixon poll, as reported by The Las Vegas Review-Journal, shows that Harry Reid leads Sharon Angle 46-44. This is in line with other polls in the past two weeks showing a virtual dead heat.Since Reid has made his ability to bring home federal...

Harry Reid's entire campaign is centered around painting Sharron Angle and the Tea Pary movement as extremist. But in the opinion of the American public, the extremist is not the Tea Party movement:The American public has a more positive view of the Tea Party movement...

Ever since Hillary Clinton supporters started circulating claims that Obama was not born in the United States, Obama's supporters and strategists have taken a very aggressive posture.Almost any attempt to discuss the subject is met with a furious response from Media Matters, Think Progress, their...

Reuters-Ipsos has released a poll showing Harry Reid up 48-44 over Sharron Angle among likely voters. This is 2% higher than the leads shown in very recent Rasmussen, PPP and Mason-Dixon polls.The back up data is not linked in the Reuters-Ipsos release, so it is...

Rasmussen released its latest polling results in Nevada, showing Harry Reid up 45-43%. The numbers are almost identical to a recent PPP poll; an earlier Mason-Dixon poll showed Reid with a larger lead.The polls all are consistent in showing that despite the power of incumbency...

If you were voting:Should Elena Kagan be confirmed?YesNo, but Republicans should NOT filibusterNo, and Republicans should filibuster free polls--------------------------------------------Follow me on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube...

There is a silver lining for Democrats in recent PPP polling of hypothetical 2012 matchups.Obama trails Mike Huckabee, Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich by low single digits, and is tied with Sarah Palin.That last one must have Andrew Sullivan spinning while he waddles in his...

The headlines regarding The Washington Post-ABC News poll just released focus on the finding that Confidence In Obama Reaches New Low.I certainly understand why that is the headline, but only if one digs deep into the actual polling data does one get a true picture...

Rasmussen released earlier today another health care poll, finding that by almost 2-to-1 margins, Americans support repeal of ObamaCare: Sixty percent (60%) of voters nationwide favor repeal of the recently passed health care law, including 49% who Strongly Favor repeal. A new Rasmussen Reports national...

Duh:Conservatives Are More Than Twice as Likely as Liberals to Be Strongly Patriotic, Says Gallup Poll: "Conservatives are more than twice as likely as liberals to express very strong patriotism, according to a new USA Today/Gallup poll in which 48 percent of conservatives said they...

Markos Moulitsas, the founder of Daily Kos, has accused Research 2000 of defrauding Daily Kos in conducting research polling.The accusation is about as inflammatory as one can get. For professional pollsters, a reputation for fairness and accuracy is everything.The damage to Research 2000 will be...

Conservatives are a dying breed and the Republican Party needs to move to the center, according to a paper published by the liberal Center for American Progress, sugar daddy of Think Progress and other liberal media message outlets. CAP published this report because it really,...

In advance of Barack Obama's presidential address tonight on the Gulf oil spill, it is reasonable to consider the following possibilities (vote only once, this isn't Chicago):(Poll closed, final pre-speech results below) Question 1: How many times will Obama mention that the Deepwater Horizon platform...

Predictions sometimes do come true. Just not this time.Someone must be very disappointed. You know who you are. I bet you think this post is about you, don't you, don't you? Hispanic Voters' Preferences Unchanged Post-Arizona LawHispanic voters nationwide haven't shifted their congressional voting preferences...

I have the answer to the question of why we get conservative rock stars nominated for the Supreme Court, while they get groupies.Here it is:So keep banging the spoon on the high chair.--------------------------------------------Related Posts:The Great Deception of 2008And Now We Stereotype Blacks As LiberalsFollow me...

The Washington Post, among other mainstream media outlets, relentlessly stokes claims that Tea Partiers are racist.Eugene Robinson accuses almost everyone who opposes the Obama agenda -- but particularly those active in the Tea Party movement -- of being motivated by racism and prone to violence.Jonathan...

in the Democratic party, mainstream media and nutroots who insist that everyone who opposes Obama's agenda is an extremist, and that the Tea Parties are the extreme of the extreme:Gallup - Tea Partiers Are Fairly Mainstream in Their DemographicsThe Hill - Four in 10 Tea...

Nate Silver, January 5, 2010, Wicked Awesome Thoughts on Massachusetts Special Election: Rasmussen is supposed to have a poll out tomorrow (Tuesday) on the Massachusetts Senate Special Election, which will take place on the 19th. There's been some speculation, mostly from Republican blogs but also...