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Obamamania Tag

I cannot comment on this diagnosis of clinical narcissism, since I only took Intro to Psychology in college, although I have commented on certain non-clinical aspects of the Won's persona.But the author of the diagnosis in question poses a further question, so I'll raise my...

Every now and then, like the proverbial broken clock, Frank Rich at the NY Times gets something mostly right. His column, The Rabbit Ragu Democrats, gets it mostly right and does a good job exposing the reality that lobbyists for corporate interests are running just...

John Kass, the brilliant columnist for the Chicago Tribune, explains why Chicago did not get the Olympics. He tells the story of a t-shirt he saw. It says Chicago 1016 2016 on the front, and Terre Haute 2020 on the back.To those of us not...

Until I started reading stories about Barack Obama's failure in Copenhagen, I didn't realize just how pathetic were the arguments used in support of Chicago as the 2016 Summer Olympic venue. In short, Obama and Chicago played the diversity card, but got out-diversified, and in...

Think Progress, the Democratic media-watch and policy group, always tries to blame conservatives for everything, including now the loss of the Olympics for Chicago: Mission Accomplished For Conservatives Who Rooted Against America.I doubt that the Olympic committee listened to any conservative U.S. voices. And talking...

Greg Sargent at The Plum Line blog notes that the Obama campaign apparatus, Organizing for America, has upped its attacks on the media:This has to be the Obama camp’s most direct and premeditated shot at the media yet: His outside political operation just blasted an...

The federal Department of Education has released a script for pre-K through 6th grade teachers to use in conjunction with Barack Obama's "historic" nationwide speech to elementary school students on September 8.The script instructs teachers to use the following questions with the students after the...

The media and left-wing blogosphere are in a tizzy because Virginia Republican candidate for Governor Robert F. McDonnell took negative positions on gay-rights and other topics in a university thesis 20 years ago. McDonnell now disavows those views, saying his views have changed over time,...

You would be hard-pressed to find a better example of how uncompromising the left-wing of the Democratic Party has become than the attempts to make sure the Obama administration and moderate Democrats do not compromise on the public option.Jane Hamsher, one of the most prominent...

The NY Times has discovered that the Health Debate Fails to Ignite Obama’s Grass Roots:But even among those who turned out for the meetings, many of whom had Obama buttons affixed to their shirts and spoke glowingly of the president, there was a sense of...

The political world looked bleak on April 29, 2009, just after Arlen Specter had announced that he was switching to the Democratic Party. The Democrats, understandably crowing, seemed to be unstoppable. The Democratic agenda to control the most minute aspects of our lives through health...

"We don't know who Obama really is," or words to that effect, has been a standard theme of people opposed to Obama's election and governance. What I called the "Door No. 2" effect in the very first post I did on this blog, back on...

What is it about this August. It seems that every caricature of Democratic incompetence, intolerance, snobbery, tax-and-spendiness, and manipulation is coming true right before our very eyes:Matthew Yglesias: If Only We Had Some Means of Taking Rich People’s Money and Devoting it to Public Purposes.Greg...

Snooze. Phillip Kennicott at The Washington Post engages in detailed analysis and comparison of Joker posters picturing Jack Nicholson, Heath Ledger and Barack Obama. The analysis is contrived in the extreme and worthy of the worst Kremlinologists, who extrapolated the Soviet power structure by watching...

This is my official Obligatorily Snarky Obama Joker Poster Post. No poster. Find it on your own by driving in L.A. or opening almost any other blog. Just this:"What goes around comes around."Do check out my prior post, Because Only The Far Right Incites Violence,...

Democrats are tripping over the conspiracy theory that Barack Obama was not born in Hawaii and that there is a cover-up by Hawaiian state officials, among others, who falsely have issued a "certificate of live birth." On the one hand, Democrats and supportive blogs push...

You know the Democrats are sensing a loss of momentum, and increasing resistance to their plans to ram through changes the American people do not want, because they have brought out the big smear that opposition to Barack Obama is racist.The most pathetic is TPM,...

I have not devoted much attention to the Barack Obama "Birth Certificate" conspiracy theories, because I have been bogged down debunking so many other conspiracy theories, like Andrew Sullivan's Trig Palin birth conspiracy theory and the recent theory that the Bush administration "concealed" evidence as...