Nancy Pelosi | Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion - Part 4
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In a week where we learned the country is in a recession and millions of Americans are still struggling with inflation, Congress came together to curb the rights of law abiding citizens. On a mostly party-line vote, the House has passed an assault weapons ban. Two Republicans voted yes and five Democrats voted no.

Following the very real threat to the life of Justice Brett Kavanaugh, Republicans are reupping their efforts to protect judges on the court and their families. The threats are escalating, with Justice Amy Coney Barrett’s church and family now targeted. Liberals, who constantly claim to be the good guys, are mocking them for their efforts.

In 2018, Pelosi promised seven House Democrats she would back "term limits for the top three Democratic leaders" so she could get the votes to make her Speaker of the House. The promise meant Pelosi could not remain Speaker after 2022. Oh, look. Pelosi is likely breaking...