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Media Bias Tag

Conservative Republican Congressman Michele Bachmann has come under fire for stating that voters should be "armed and dangerous" over the administration's engery tax plans. While the leftwing media tried to twist this statement into a literal call to arms, in fact Bachmann was using a...

Tristan Anderson was seriously injured earlier this month while participating in violent protests against the security barrier built by Israel in response to a wave of suicide bombers from the West Bank:Every Friday for the past seven months, the villagers of Nilin, bolstered by foreign...

While liberal bloggers like Ezra Klein are busy attacking good people like Ann Althouse, and liberal reporters run a secret JournoList to make sure they have their stories straight, an American reporter is rotting in an Iranian jail.The full story is at And So It...

Ezra Klein, blogger for the "liberal" American Prospect, got caught by Politico coordinating his stories with other liberal bloggers and journalists. Exposed for being a journalistic fraud, Klein needed an enemy. He found Ann Althouse. Althouse, who has a very popular blog, could be considered...

Richard Falk is a long-time anti-Israel (and often anti-American) polemicist. A retired Princeton professor, Falk has dedicated much of his life to blaming Israel and the United States for the world's woes, while coddling extremism everywhere else in the world. Not surprisingly, Falk also is...

Oh boy, has this administration become unhinged in its efforts to force through Obama's "bet the farm" economic plans.Rahm Emanuel runs anti-opposition campaigns from inside the White House against Rush Limbaugh to take down the leading opponent of Obama's economic plans. The White House coordinates...

The Guardian is reporting that a protestor threw his shoe at Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad during a visit to the north-western Iranian city of Urumiye:An Iranian website, Urumiye News, reported that a shoe was hurled at the president as his convoy drove through a central...

Well, that didn't take long. On March 3, 2009, New York Times columnist David Brooks issued his "Moderate Manifesto" in which he confessed uneasiness with his choice of Obama. But Brooks is back on board the Obama ship of state, with a column in today's...

An article at American Thinker lays out a chart showing how Obama won the election by overwhelming Republicans. The author compares Republicans to Ethiopian spear-carriers who, under an onslaught by Italian mechanized troops, didn't know what hit them. I like the analogy, but I don't...

Will AP's cheerleading never stop? AP cheers the "audacity" of Obama's speech to Congress last night, while Marketwatch reports on the reality of Obama's massive plans for spending. ---------------------------------------------------UPDATE: Drudge Report gets it right:...

Nothing has changed. The mainstream media still is campaigning for Obama. On Obama's announcement of troop withdrawals from Iraq, the AP headline screams "US troops to exit Iraq by August 2010." Read several paragraphs into the story, and you will see that the headline and...

Larrey Anderson is a frequent contributor to, and an editor of, American Thinker. I've spoken with and corresponded with Larrey numerous times in connection with several of my articles published at A.T. One thing that always jumped out at me is how much...

The headline of an Op-ed on the website of The Guardian newspaper, the left-wing British newspaper, started out promisingly enough: "Hamas No, Human Rights Yes." The sub-title was even better: "Why are the left and the anti-war movement ignoring Hamas's repression of...

The New York Times is running a profile story on Eric Cantor, Republican congressman from Virginia, and House Minority Whip. By NY Times standards, this is a fairly soft piece; certainly not the hit job the Times has run on other Republicans. Nonetheless, the story...

Good news. Israel opens the border crossing with Gaza -- in between missile attacks from Hamas -- to allow the export of tens of thousands of carnations. Wait a second, I thought Gaza was a wasteland on the verge of humanitarian catastrophe (along with the...

The withdrawal of Judd Gregg as nominee for Commerce Secretary has revealed, once again, the nasty side of Barack Obama.At his news conference, Gregg went out of his way not to criticize Obama, simply explaining that he could not give "110%" in service to Obama,...

Hardly anyone reads Time magazine anymore. I say "anymore" for those people under the age of 40, who are too young to remember a day when Time represented the gold-standard of weekly news publications. If it weren't for an occasional visit to a doctor's waiting...