Battered MSM syndrome
They love him so much but he doesn't love them back. And it hurts. They know it is not healthy. Some would call it abusive, a syndrome even. They blame themselves; if only they had not talked back, if only ...
They love him so much but he doesn't love them back. And it hurts. They know it is not healthy. Some would call it abusive, a syndrome even. They blame themselves; if only they had not talked back, if only ...
Why do Republican politicians go on Letterman? I know it's good exposure, but it's exposure that always comes with a price. Letterman always makes the Republican look bad and weak. I said it when Rick Perry went on Letterman, but at least in that circumstance Perry...
Newt Gingrich wants to restore a balance between the branches of government, and address what a lot of people see as an imperial judiciary. His white paper lays out a variety of mechanisms, most of which are not controversial. One in particular, that Congress should subpoena judges...
How disgusting and politically corrupt is the Washington Post? This disgusting and politically corrupt (h/t Ed Morrissey). WaPo runs this headline, FBI considered a sting aimed at Newt Gingrich in 1997, accompanied by an ominous super-close up of Gingrich: Sounds pretty bad. Even if not charged, Newt must...
John Hinderaker at Power Line writes the following about the departure of Herman Cain (bracketed "Points" mine): [Point 1] What happened to Herman Cain is what the Democrats intend to do to whoever the Republican nominee turns out to be. They know they can’t win a...
Chris Cillizza's The Fix blog at The Washington Post presents itself as a political reporting blog, not an advocacy blog. It purports to be journalism in a blog format. That distinction in the mainstream media, of course, really doesn't exist in the newsroom or the blog...
Dr. Melissa Clouthier writing about An Indictment Of Right Leaning Journalism By Ben Domenech: Here’s the nutshell: The Left-leaning journalism investigates the right. The Right-leaning journalism provides commentary and (and Ben doesn’t say this, but I am) when they do rarely investigate, investigates the right after being...
Newt Gingrich appeared on the Mark Levin Show last night to address a variety of issues. Levin has been pretty harsh towards Newt at times in the past. Thanks to The Right Scoop for the audio: I find it very interesting that while Gingrich is more than willing...
Really, via @ErickErickson via @snarkandboobs: ...
The ABC News interview with Gabrielle Giffords was worth watching except for one moment, when ABC decided that it could not put on a widely-watched full hour program without smearing Sarah Palin by trying to connect Palin's electoral map to the Giffords shooting (via Newsbusters): I...
Rick Perry has been right to do the talk show circuit in the wake of Wednesday's brain freeze, and he has been more impressive in the interviews I have seen in the last 24 hours than in any appearance since he announced in August. Perhaps if Perry did...
Just the stats: Days as of 8 p.m. Eastern today since Politico broke the story - 7 Politico news stories about or mentioning "Herman Cain": 138 Politico news stories about or mentioning "sexual harassment": 91 Politico news stories about or mentioning "sexual harassment" not involving Herman Cain: 0 Politico news stories...
HillaryIs44 has a good post on the Obama-lovin' media and how it covers for Obama's campaign dirty tricks. The post is in response to this statement by Ben Smith at Politico: If the catchphrase weren’t already taken, you could call Barack Obama’s signature style of negative politics...
which prove that George W. Bush lied about his military service. History No. 1: Dan cannot let you see the documents which he obtained from an anonymous source he cannot reveal. But the documents, in Dan's estimation, reflect "inappropriate" conduct the exact nature of which cannot...
by the behavior of numerous "conservatives" and "libertarians" on Twitter dancing on Herman Cain's (presumed) political grave. Let's sum up the "facts" as they are known right now. Mostly unnamed people accused Herman Cain of unspecified conduct which some people who will not specify the people or...
I'm finally back after a full day of travel, where I had to rely on CNN and MSNBC on the plane for coverage of the Politico story about Herman Cain. I can't really sort through all the details yet, too much has happened in the last...
Never has there been a love as true or as blind as media Obamalove, as evidenced by this adoring puff piece written by Jonathan Alter for Bloomberg News, Obama Miracle is White House Free of Scandal: President Barack Obama goes into the 2012 with a weak economy that...
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