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Media Bias Tag

Via Taegen Goddard:President Obama "stopped for an undisclosed meeting with some of the entertainment industry's high-level executives" before leaving California yesterday, according to the Hollywood Reporter."The event was not a fundraiser, and attendees were not asked to donate to the Obama reelection campaign. But those...

Walter Shapiro on the risk that the GOP Just Might Nominate [Herman Cain] a Candidate Patently Unqualified to Be President: This is how presidential vetting traditionally works. The press pack pounces on the logical fallacies in a candidate’s positions and the shakiness of his resume. Party...

Not long ago The Washington Post was digging up rocks from 30 years ago to find dirt about Rick Perry. Now WaPo is digging up immigration papers from 50 years ago about Marco Rubio's parents, Marco Rubio’s compelling family story embellishes facts, documents show.  The gist of WaPo's dramatic...

Saturday was to be a nationwide turnout for the Occupy Wall Street movement, with large protests across the land.  From media coverage which portrays the movement as growing, one would have expected a large turnout, at least as large as the April 15, 2009 Tax...

Quote of the day, from a mostly sympathetic Walter Shapiro writing in The New Republic (h/t @SissyWillis): How do I convey this respectfully as a veteran of the 1960s? This is not the 1967 Pentagon March or anything like it. Nothing I saw in New York this...

Democrats and media helpers like Paul Krugman have been weaving a Tea Party eliminationist narrative for years. As pointed out by James Taranto, it looks like Democrats finally have found an eliminationist narrative they can believe in: Related:  Worst. #OccupyWallStreet. Advice. Ever....

I've warned you not to take at face value the depictions of the protesters at the Occupy Wall Street rallies. Andrew Cole, the focus of a sympathetic New York Times article, turned out to be a pretty hard core solicialist (by his own description) and former...

No, not Occupy Wall Street or Occupy anything. That was the estimate by Nate Silver (then of 538 blog, now of The NY Times) of the April 15, 2009 Tax Day Tea Parties.  Silver noted the upward adjustment of the Tea Party rally in Atlanta from...

The smear is long gone from the front pages, but will live on forever in Rick Perry's campaign: “I know for a fact that in 1984, that rock was painted over. It was painted over very soon, my family did that.” Silly you, Rick, you thought WaPo...

Tea Party = Terrorists OccupyWallStreet = Heroes...

In tagging Rick Perry with the "painted-over rock" allegation without first learning the facts? Yes, I think so.  It certainly is fine to point out that the name was offensive, but to suggest that Perry somehow was responsible was a bridge too far (transcript via MVOPOV): WALLACE:...

A tale of two videos. It is not okay to sit silently when a single person in an audience shouts something: We don’t believe in the kind of smallness that says it’s okay for a stage full of political leaders -- one of whom could end up being...

You need no better example of the political corruption of our mainstream media than the page 1 headline at The Washington Post, At Perry camp, racially charged name lingered. There is no story behind the headline. The article itself reveals that the offensive name of the camp,...

Sarah Palin justifiably is outraged at the latest Joe McGinniss outrage. In addition to knowing that McGinniss and Random House published lies about her, Palin now has evidence not usually available to libel plaintiffs, in the form of an e-mail obtained by Andrew Breitbart in which...

Obama flubbed his history.  Via Ed Morrissey, Obama inaccurately called Abraham Lincoln the founder of the Republican Party: Not true! Doesn't Obama know history? So now the media will erupt for weeks on end about what an "idiot" and "fool" and "know-nothing" Obama is, just like it erupted over...

Steve Benen, liberal blogger at Washington Monthly, feigns ignorance over why Jon Hunstman is getting so much love and air time from the mainstream media despite no apparent electoral support: The question then becomes why Huntsman, Mr. One Percent, is getting special treatment. I know, I know. Because Hunstman...