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Liberals Tag

I know you didn't see this one coming. It goes against everything we have come to know. It is shocking.  (h/t @joshjonsmith) Study: Liberals More Likely To Block Online Friends Over Political Disagreements People with liberal views are almost twice as likely as conservatives to unfriend someone on social...

From University of Rochester (NY) Professor Stephen E. Landsburg, a blisteringly refreshing view of Sandra Fluke, Rush to Judgment (via Althouse h/t Instapundit): But while Ms. Fluke herself deserves the same basic respect we owe to any human being, her position — which is what’s at issue here...

Commenter CWLsun put together a list of links in the Tip Line regarding the explicit plan of various law school branches of Students for Reproductive Freedom to establish secular contraceptive policies at Catholic educational institutions. I don't have a problem with that when it is done without using the force...

This writer at argues that liberals should not homeschool their kids, Liberals, Don’t Homeschool Your Kids: Homeschooling is so unevenly regulated from state to state that it is impossible to know exactly how many homeschoolers there are. Estimates range from about 1 million to 2...

Well, it's not the title of Glenn Greenwald's post, Repulsive progressive hypocrisy (h/t @Steven_Swenson), but it could be. Here goes: During the Bush years, Guantanamo was the core symbol of right-wing radicalism and what was back then referred to as the “assault on American values and the shredding...

Mitt Romney had an interview this morning in which he said the following: Romney says, "I'm not concerned about the very poor. We have a safety net there. If it needs a repair , I'll fix it. I'm not concerned about the very rich...

The inflammatory Newsweek cover, and the heaping of praise on Obama by Andrew Sullivan, distract from the most important point of Sullivan's article at The Daily Beast, quoted in the title above. Obama has accomplished a lot for the Left in America.  He wants to accomplish a lot more. ...

You owe us, and we want our fair share of all that money you are raising online. You built a campaign out there? Good for you. But I want to be clear: you moved your message to market on bandwidth the  rest of us paid for; you hired workers...

Reader David e-mails with the subject line "Is this a joke?" accompanied by this screenshot: I have no control over Google Ads. The good news is that Grayson wasted money advertising on a blog where everyone thinks he is a joke. While we're on the subject, let's...

24 years ago a new term was coined, "borking" or "to bork."  It is a tactic in which Democrats still revel, except when they feel they are on the receiving end at which point they cry foul. Borking is the complete politicization of the judicial nomination...

We've seen this before, at the celebration of Obama's victory in 2008, where students unfurled the Soviet flag in celebration. I chalked that up to profound historical ignorance, much like the chic wearing of Che Guevara and Mao t-shirts. The carrying of the Soviet flag at the Occupy...

The silent majority. The ones who pay the bills, and the taxes, and the tuitions, and the pensions, and the benefits, for the people who falsely claim to be the 99%. The ones who did not graduate from the school of perpetual expectations and handouts. The ones who...

Doubly good. First, because the tweet by CNN reporter Alison Kosik was hysterical, and second, because the humorless leftist reaction (added: here, here) to the tweet caused her to take it down, but it lives on because people grabbed screenshots. ...