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Leftism Tag

As the #MeToo movement faces backlash from the left and backlash to the backlash from other elements of the left, Bill Maher wades into the controversy.  Maher, who is unafraid to say things that will be unpopular with his leftist audience, stated that he is "down with #MeToo, I’m not down with #MeCarthyism.” Maher notes that the #MeToo movement has developed into a McCarthy-like witch hunt that does not distinguish between degrees of offense or even between a joke and sexual harassment.  He labels them "distinction deniers."

Germany faces a "growing threat" from left-wing extremism, warns Hans-Georg Maassen, the head of the country’s domestic intelligence agency (BfV). This intelligence assessment comes little more than a week after the leftist protests against the G20 summit in Hamburg turned into -- what some European commentators described as -- an embarrassment for German Chancellor Angela Merkel. Around 500 police officers were injured during those protests.

In what should be a new low for women rights in Europe, Austria's leftist President Alexander van der Bellen has called on "every woman to wear headscarf" in order to fight growing "Islamophobia," Austrian media reported today. Going by the Austrian media coverage, the otherwise perpetually-offended feminist groups in Austria and Europe have failed to respond to this outrage. "[I]f it goes on like this, with the rampant Islamophobia, a day will come when we will have to ask every woman to wear a headscarf," President Van der Bellen, Austria’s recently elected Head of the State could be seen saying in a video clip addressing young students.

In a recent article at the Wall Street Journal, columnist Daniel Henninger posed this question: Why Can't the Left Govern? Surveying the fall in support for the governments of Barack Obama, New York City's progressive Mayor Bill de Blasio and France's Socialist President François Hollande, a diagnosis...