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Joe Biden Tag

President Donald Trump released the transcript of his phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky that took place on July 25 from 9:03 AM to 9:33 AM. It shows that he asked Zelensky for a review on Vice President Joe Biden's family dealings in Ukraine. However, Trump did not threaten to withhold "military aid as part of a quid-pro-quo, as Democrats have suggested in pressing forward with impeachment."

The Ukraine scandal food fight is about to get a whole lot more interesting. Tuesday, Trump announced via Twitter that he would release the "complete, fully declassified and unredacted transcript of my phone conversation with President Zelensky of Ukraine." In this particular conversation, Trump has been accused of pressuring Zelensky to investigate former Vice President Biden, whose son's company received favorable business dealings with Ukrainians while Biden was in office.

We are in the middle of a media feeding frenzy over a supposed intelligence community whistleblower complaint on Trump's conversation last summer with the Ukrainian president. We know almost nothing about the complaint or the conversation, but that has not stopped a full-blown "we've got him now!" type joyfulness throughout the mainstream media and Never-Trump-land.

Former Vice President Joe Biden maintains his strong lead in the latest Morning Consult poll. This is the first one since the third Democratic debate last week. Biden holds on at 32% with Sen. Bernie Sanders in second place at 20%. Robert O'Rourke spent the debate and the time since then promising to grab our AR-15s and AK-47s. He found out the hard way that us Americans want to keep our guns because he barely moved in this poll.

Even with his well-documented penchant for gaffes, his tendency to flub or embellish stories, and his outright lying about his positions on the issues, Joe Biden's lead in national Democratic presidential polling has been consistent and stable. But we're just a few months out from the start of Democratic primaries and caucuses, and the focus is shifting from national polls to state-level polls. It is in some of the early primary state polls that we see cracks in Joe Biden's wall of support:

It's not exactly breaking news that Joe Biden has been gaffe-prone for most of his political life. It's also not new news Biden tends to fabricate or embellish stories about himself while on the campaign trail to impress crowds. Just this month alone, he's committed so many blunders and misstatements that most of us have lost count. Thanks to The Washington Post engaging in some actual journalism for a change, we can add "making up war stories that never happened" to the list.

When last we left you, Joe Biden added two more flubs to his ever-growing gaffe list. Along with that were heightened concerns being expressed by Democrats that Biden may no longer be cut out for the rough and tumble of the campaign trail. Questions have popped up over the last few weeks about Biden's age, mental acuity, and toughness. Now comes the news that will be even more unwelcomed by his campaign. A new poll released Monday by Monmouth shows a significant drop in his numbers, putting him in a three-way tie:

The argument for Joe Biden's candidacy for president is coming into focus. His mind is adequate. He's 76 years young. You have nothing to worry about, America. Really.

Uranium One is back in the news and it could spell trouble for former Vice President Biden. Sen. Grassley announced Thursday he was launching an investigation into the sale of "a sensitive U.S. technology company to the Chinese government and an investment firm run by the sons of Joe Biden and John Kerry," reports Fox News. The sale of which was approved by the Obama administration.