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Israel Tag

This is the latest in a series on the use of the race card for political gain:Tonight's post brings us back to a variety of topics I have touched upon before:  The Islamist-Leftist Anti-Israel Coalition and its Useful Idiots in the U.S. who use terms such as "Israel-Firsters"; Leftist Jews who are...

The Stuxnet malware has set back the Iranian nuclear program by two years, according to a German expert quoted in The Jerusalem Post (h/t @Allahpundit):The Stuxnet virus, which has attacked Iran’s nuclear facilities and which Israel is suspected of creating, has set back the Islamic Republic’s...

I have posted previously about the plight of the Jews of Malmö, Sweden, who have been under siege by the Islamist-Leftist Anti-Israel Coalition, what I called Malmö Syndrome.Islamists across Europe have used anti-Israel agitation to justify acts of anti-Semitic violence, and anti-Israel leftists have either encouraged or excused...

A traditional method of sending a powerful message to those who seek to harm you is to use their own weapons against them.The Israelis did this to great effect during the 1982 invasion of Lebanon, in which the Israelis captured an almost unimaginable quantity of...

Fox News had an interesting article on Friday about the stuxnet malware, and how it was ingeniously constructed to disrupt the Iranian nuclear program:"In other words the worm was designed to allow the Iranian program to continue but never succeed, and never to know why."But that...

The New York Times ran a trolling article yesterday titled G.O.P. and Tea Party Gains Are Mixed Blessing for Israel:When Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel came to the United States recently for another round of tense talks with the Obama administration, he got a decidedly...

The Washington Post reports on the U.N. investigation into the killing of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Harriri, which appears headed towards a year-end indictment of several Hezbollah senior members.The article, based on documents obtained by the Canadian Broadcasting Company, notes how cell phone records...

I have criticized Glenn Greenwald on multiple occasions for playing the dual-loyalty card against American Jewish supporters of Israel.Greenwald uses the phrase "Israel-firsters" and also recently accused Eric Cantor, the incoming Republican Majority Leader in the House, of pledging allegiance to Israel.The charge against Greenwald...

In response to my post calling out leftist Jewish bloggers for stoking charges of dual loyalty againt American Jewish supporters of Israel, M.J. Rosenberg of Media Matters (one of the bloggers mentioned in my post) tweets that I'm just a tribalist:Pathetic.--------------------------------------------Follow me on Twitter, Facebook,...

I posted earlier about how left-wing bloggers deliberately misrepresented a statement issued by Eric Cantor's office about a meeting Cantor had with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.  Glenn Greenwald accused Cantor of pledging allegiance to Israel over the U.S., and Greenwald's accusations were amplified with...

I have documented how Glenn Greenwald peddles the most rank of dual loyalty charges against American Jewish supporters of Israel, by using the phrase "Israel-Firsters."  Now Greenwald is at it again, suggesting that soon-to-be Majority Leader Eric Cantor has pledged allegiance to Israel.  Greenwald's blog...

Not the Israelis, Jewish settlers, or American NeoCons.  No, fellow Arabs, via Israel National News, Arabs Stone Israel Ambulances Trying to Save Arab Boy (h/t):Jerusalem area Arabs once again have stoned two Israeli Magen David ambulances trying to help neighbors. This time, the medical rescue vehicles...

It's a good thing Israel eased the blockade of Gaza a few months ago, otherwise it might not have been able to take out Palestinian al-Qaeda operative Mohamed al-Nemnem, who died on November 3 when his car mysteriously exploded in Gaza, with him in it:The Israeli...

Sorry to interrupt everyone's preparation for the Mother-of-All Elections tomorrow, but I wish to remind you that as you are preparing to vote, the anti-Israel left continues its jihad.As reported by CAMERA, Anti-Israel Agitators Target Leading Music Journal:A guest Op-Ed titled "One American’s Response to the...

The organizers of the failed Gaza flotilla last June are at it again, planning a flotilla to Gaza next January.  At least this time they are honest that it has nothing to do with humanitarian efforts.As reported by The Associated Press:Pro-Palestinian groups plan to sail a flotilla of...

As of now, Iranian President Mahmood Ahmadinejad is scheduled to arrive in Lebanon on October 13, and to conduct a joint appearance with Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah on October 14.The situation is very tense and provocative.Ahmadinejad will go to South Lebanon as far south...

The New York Times reported on a possible reference to the Book of Esther in the Stuxnet code.  Queen Esther, of course, saved the Jews of Persia from the evil Haman, as celebrated in the Jewish holiday Purim.Now, a Symantec researcher has found a reference in the...