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Israel Tag

Can't say I didn't warn you. The pressure tactics the Obama administration applied to Honduras -- such as the refusal to meet with high government officials -- now are being applied to Israel:[I]n Jerusalem, prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu called his inner cabinet into its second...

The Obama administration has sent a signal to Palestinians of a new "get tough" U.S. attitude towards Israel. As I wrote yesterday, the Obama administration is using the fact that an Israeli municipality announced building permits for Jews in a Jewish neighborhood of East Jerusalem...

Israel made a mistake in announcing an East Jerusalem building permit at the same time Joe Biden was visiting.The building permit really is a non-issue since everyone knows the Ramat Shlomo section of Jerusalem never is going to be given to the Palestinians, but the...

Also known as Israel Apartheid Week, scheduled for March 1-14 (what don't these malicious idiots understand about "week"?).This is the time of the year when the internationalists, selectively outraged NGO "human rights" activists, Islamists, progressive journalists, leftist academics, self-hating Jews, and Palestinian terror apologists come...

It is widely assumed that Mossad assassinated what's his name, the Hamas killer rocket guy who wants to drive the Jews into the Dead Sea.While some governments are expressing shock, shock, shock that an intelligence agency would forge passports, Mossad mania has taken over Israel,...

Malmö is the third largest Swedish city, and now the poster child for what I call Malmö Syndrome, the anti-Semitic violence which results from the shared anti-Israeli agenda of Islamists and leftists.The result is that Malmö is being depopulated of Jews as a result of...

Someone at the Israeli Embassy in Britain has a wicked sense of humor.The Embassy sent the following tweet, which has caused the anti-Israel paper, The Guardian, to go somewhat crazy.The tweet seemingly refers to the hit on a Hamas leader in Dubai, carried out allegedly...

The Dubai police have released what purport to be tapes of an 11-person strong hit team which killed top Hamas arms coordinator and killer of two Israeli soldiers, Mahmoud al-Mabhouh. The working assumption is that this was an Israeli operation.The tapes coordinate closed circuit shots...

A top Hamas official linked to the arms trade with Iran was assassinated in Dubai. Everyone assumes it was the Israelis.Dubai officials announced that they had identified the group of assailants, and even published photos, names, and nationalities, based on the passports.Uh, not so fast....

I'm not going to wade into the minutiae of Leon Wieseltier's article at The New Republic as to whether Andrew Sullivan is anti-Semitic because of Sullivan's anti-Israel tirades.I agree with James Joyner that the terms "anti-Semitic" along with "racist" and "homophobe" are so overused as...

Clark Hoyt, "The Public Editor" at The NY Times, apparently doesn't know when he is being used.Or at least Hoyt didn't know it when he reacted to a complaint from the Electronic Intifada website that Ethan Bronner, The Times' Jerusalem bureau Chief (an American) had...

Juan Cole, who thinks people chanting "Death to America" are merely misunderstood, uses this Christmas morning to launch an attack on Israel, "Bethlehem Under Occupation; In the absence of all hope, we cry out our cry of hope."With an embedded video from al-Jazeera, and a...

How long before arrest warrants are issued by politically motivated judges in Europe for high level U.S. politicians and military officials because drone strikes in Pakistan kill civilians?Don't think it could happen? How about this story from Britain, Israel fury over British war crimes warrant...

Senator Orrin Hatch has written a Hanukkah song. The background is here. Thanks, Orrin.There's a lesson to be learned here, but unfortunately the Jewish community will not learn it because it is so deep in the pocket of the Democratic Party that it cannot see...

Last January, I warned of a dangerous slide by Turkey into the Islamist orbit, Turkey Looking Like The Next Iran. About a month ago, I further noted Caroline Glick's excellent article about Turkey's coziness with Iran and anti-democratic Islamism, Turkey is Lost to Islamists.In response...

You just knew this had to rear its head on the 20th anniversary of the Berlin Wall. The anti-Israel left is demanding Mr. Netanyahu, Tear Down This Wall:On the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, Western leaders are full of self-congratulation. But...

Joe Klein, sometimes hero, sometimes villain to just about everyone, wrote a lengthy article about all the problems Hillary Clinton is having in just about every part of the world with just about everyone over just about every foreign policy issue.But one sentence in the...

I've stayed out of the controversy over J Street, the supposedly "pro-Israel, pro-Peace" group founded by out-of-popularity Israeli peaceniks and left-wing Americans.With all my coverage of Democratic attempts to destroy the American health care system, I haven't had the time to cover J-Street's attempt to...