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Iran Tag

Those are the reports. Via Ynet: Just four days after Iran proudly announced it had successfully launched a monkey into space – a move seen as proof of a technological breakthrough which may help the Islamic Republic advance its nuclear program, London's Times newspaper is questioning the...

A kiss, via Ynet News: Two Iranian officials could be facing trouble after being caught on camera as they shared a kiss in an elevator. Footage captured by a security camera and broadcast by Sky News Arabia showed Iranian Higher Education Minister Kamran Daneshjoo and Azadeh Ardakani,...

Yesterday the U.S. State Department for the first time mentioned American pastor Saeed Abedini, who has been imprisoned in Iran since September 2012 for speaking out about his Christian views and developing a network of underground churches. While family and friends of the pastor, who...

I don't have a lot of time today because I'm working on something, but I did want to take note of the latest "non-leak leak maybe who knows" regarding supposed direct negotiations with Iran on its nuclear program. The NY Times reports: The United States and Iran...

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressed the United Nations General Assembly in New York today, using a drawing of a bomb as a visual aid to express the Iranian nuclear program. He drew a red line where he believes the UN should intervene. Netanyahu: I brought a...

Iran's Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, in town to follow President Obama's address to the United Nations General Assembly, met with Nation of Islam's Louis Farrakhan along with peace activists and other members of "Abrahamic religions" on Tuesday evening. While both the U.S. and Israel delegations, among others, boycotted...

News just breaking, details to follow: According to initial reports, an Israeli tour bus was attacked at the Sarafovo International Airport in the Bulgarian vacation city of Bourgas. A Bulgarian website reported that there were multiple casualties in a bomb explosion. Army Radio reported that at least...

Some flee the sinking ship.  Via Times of Israel: Manaf Tlas, one of Syrian President Bashar Assad’s closest friends and most trusted military colleagues, who is also the son of the Assad regime’s former long-serving defense minister, has defected from the Assad regime and fled to...

There seems to be a change in Syria, a worsening of the situation for Assad. I can't tell if this is the turning point, a turning point, or just a bump in Assad's road to staying in power with the military help of Iran, Hezbollah...

With so much going on in the domestic political arena, it's easy for attention to get distracted from the Iranian-Hezollah-Russian attempt to keep Bashar Assad in power. Other than when there is a heavy one-day body count, Syria is not in the U.S. news media radar. This...

Have you noticed?  The NY Times seems to be getting an awful lot of inside information lately on how tough Obama has been in the war on terror and Iran. First it was the expansive story about drone warfare, and now about Stuxnet: From his first months...

This is a little scary, particularly if it were put in the wrong hands. Via The Times of Israel: A new, unprecedented computer virus called “Flame” (or “sKyWIper”) has hit Iran, the West Bank, and other Middle Eastern locations. It is already considered one of the...

It looks like Obama is going to get the "grand bargain" which has been the point of U.S. policy towards Iran since the Obama administration stood silently as Iranians took to the streets in June 2009. The grand bargain theory assures the Iranian theocracy's continued control over not...